There is an area under my incision that is real hard. What could this be?

Has anyone experienced an area under their incision that feels hard as a rock? Also, the skin on top of this hard spot is red and irritated....feels like a rash. Maybe the two aren't related. I will be 4 wks post op in 2 days. The incision other wise has healed beautifully. Does anyone know what this is?(the hard spot) P.S. Its not a bulge, just real hard. Thanks a bunch everyone........    — blank first name B. (posted on March 27, 2002)

March 27, 2002
Hi Gretchen. I had the exact same thing you have. I had open surgery 17 months ago. The hard, red, irritated, inflamed area turned out to be caused by a wound infection. It was annoying to have treated but not a really big deal. Get it checked as soon as possible. Maybe it's something else but it sounds exactly like my symptoms when I had the wound infection. BEST WISHES!
   — ronascott

March 27, 2002
Hi. I had the same thing. I checked it with the doctor, thinking that my hernia was bulging or something. He told me it was scar tissue!
   — Cindy R.

March 27, 2002
Something like This happened to me after i had ovarian surgery. It was an infection below the incision. I would just get your dr. to look at it and also check your temp too. I had a low grade fever at the time.
   — Michelle H.

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