I am 11 days post-op and my incision is leaking, Dr. says its normal, is it?

He took the staples out 3 days ago and ever since, along the incision is leaking. I have to keep bandages over it to keep it from getting on my clothes. It looks like blood mixed with something. It isn't pus. Has anyone else had this? I called the Dr. and talked to his nurse and she said it was normal. No one that I've talked to, that has had the surgery, has had this.    — heddo30 (posted on March 29, 2002)

March 29, 2002
Hello =) I am still pre op as far as WLS is concerned, but I did experience what you are describing when I had a C-Section with my youngest son. I had no infection, but leakage for about 5 weeks from the time of surgery. I healed up very niceluy and the scar is minimal. Hope this eases your mind. =)
   — ScatCat

March 29, 2002
Yes, I had this. I had steri strips and about 3 days post op my incision opened in two places and started leaking this green smelly stuff. I called the surgeon hysterical and he said that it was normal and 20% of the people who have open get this. It was like a flood for like four weeks. I ended up going to my primary doctor and had him do a culture and it was infected just as I thought, even though the surgeon said not to worry. So I ended up taking two different antibiotics and it finally started to heal and close up. Just make sure it isn't green and smeels bad which is a sign of infection and if your surgeon says not to worry, get a second opinion.
   — Dawn H.

March 29, 2002
Yes, I had the same thing and it is normal as long as it isn't green or yellow and foul smelling in that case it would be an infection and you should see your doc. But it sounds like yours is normal I drained for about two months. My doc told me it is just the fat draining out. I put a little bit of hydrogen peroxide on mine it kept it from getting infected an helped it heal up nicely. Good Luck!
   — Tammy N.

March 29, 2002
I had a milky whitish/yellowish substance ooze out along a few spots of my incision the day after my surgeon removed my staples. I called his office really upset and was told it was normal. I wished they'd mentioned the possibility to me before hand. It was unnerving but I ended up being fine. It cleared up with in a few days. If it becomes foul smelling or really yellow I'd give them another call. Take care. -Kim
   — KimBo36

March 29, 2002
I had open and my incision opened up towards the bottom, about 1/4 inch. It was also leaking, which my surgeon said was normal. I just cleaned 3-4 times a day with Betadine and kept it covered and before you know it, it closed up. Just keep a close eye on it and if you have doubts, call your surgeon, that's what he's there for.
   — Rosario T.

March 29, 2002
I was fortunate enough not to have it happen to me, but my doctor did tell me ahead of time that it wasn't all that uncommon. He just advised that if it were to occur to keep the area clean. He said some people tape maxipads over their incision to keep it from ruining their clothes.
   — Donna L.

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