Has anyone gotten their date moved?

I am a college student and I wanted to have my surgery done in May or June, but the Docs office came back with a date for the last week in July, and school starts Aug 24. At my consult my Doc said he wanted me out of school for at least 6 weeks for my open RYN. My question is has anyone gotten their date moved up for that sort of reason or should I just suck it up and wait for Dec?    — Marleen M. (posted on April 5, 2002)

April 5, 2002
Hello, My original date was 4-29-02, I ask the receptionist if she could push it up because my sons birthday is on May 3 and I did not want to be in the hospital/recovery on is birthday, because I promised him a party. The scheduler call me the next date with a surgery date 2 weeks earlier 4-15. Good luck!!
   — Lovett

April 5, 2002
Hi! I am also a college student. I schedualed my surgery Jan 8 between semesters. That gave me 2.5 weeks before school started. They changed my date to the 11th and I was worried what the three lost days would do to recovery. On the 7th they called and RE-schedualed my appt to the next day afterall. Anyway- I had 5 days in the hospital and about 2 weeks at home before I came back to school (where I live by myself) and I was FINE!! I was at the gym walking the treadmill at three weeks, doing full workouts (with my doc's permission of course) at six. I never missed any of my classes (well, due to the operation at least!!). I am now 3 months out, 44 pounds lighter and not 'Morbidly Obese' anymore. I think you will be fine with that amount of time. Just take it easy if you don't feel well (nap if your tired, etc). The beginning of the semester is usually pretty slow anyway. If you ever want to talk to someone your age who has been there and done it, feel free to email! Good Luck to you!
   — Angela B.

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