I am one week post-op and have pneumona. Anyone else have this complication?

   — tara W. (posted on May 21, 2002)

May 21, 2002
Hi Tara. Yes I had pneumonia too. A few days after I came home from surgery, I was back in the hospital w/pneumonia AND fluid between my diaphragm and lung. Talk about pain!! They had to put a tube in me to drain the fluid. Had the tube in for a month and was in the hospital for the whole month of January. I am now a little over 4 months post op and still have pain in my left side. It has been a rough road for me and I still question whether I am happy I had the surgery or not.
   — Kim B.

May 21, 2002
Hi Tara: I was diagnosed with Pnuemonia in the hospital so I ended up being there for seven days instead of the anticipated four to five days. Anyway, I was put on a course of two antibiotics and breathing treatments and I was just fine after that. I am sure that you will be too. Just breath deeply whenever you think of it and that will surely help, too. Regards,
   — Ann B.

May 21, 2002
Had my surgery during a time my allergy cough was uncontrollable. Got a post op pneumonia and a nasty yeast infection & thrush (complete with black tongue) from the oral antibiotics. Keep walking/moving, wear your binder and cough, (not just a bitsy cough...splint your tummy with a pillow and cough deep!)Take DEEP breaths & use your spirometer, if you got one in the hospital, often during the day. I was pretty miserable for awhile. My nurse friends will remind me of all the times I preached to others about coughing & deep breathing, but complained when I had to do it myself!! Hang in there it gets better =)
   — Denise W.

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