I am scheduled for WLS on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 and I have congestion in my head.

It clears up after I have been up an about but don't want anything to put this durgery on hold. I am afraid to call my surgeon on Monday to find out. Any suggestions?    — Loretta J. (posted on July 14, 2002)

July 14, 2002
Are you sleeping with a fan blowing on your face or in air conditioning? Whenever I do one or the other, I wake up congested. Then after an hour or so(or a shower) it goes away. Just my experience.
   — Angie M.

July 14, 2002
Loretta, dont panic!! :) I started a severe head cold just a few days before my surgery. My head was sooooo stuffed up!! It did not effect my surgery at all!! I think as long as there is no congestion in your lungs you will be just fine. In fact, I was so stuffy in my head and nose that after my surgery I was more miserable with my cold than I was with post-op pain. Once again, as long as your lungs are clear it should be smooth sailing!! Good Luck!!
   — skymaxjr

July 14, 2002
Hi. I haven't had my RNY yet (it's scheduled for 8/14/02!) but when I had surgery previously I was miserably stuffy with a sinus condition/head cold. I cried and told the anesthesiologist that I couldn't breathe and he said , "not a problem- I can fix that!" and everything went FINE! By the way, your "rebirthday" is on my birthday! CONGRATULATIONS and all the best!!!!
   — Rebecca T.

July 14, 2002
A few days prior to my surgery I started feeling ill and my surgeon said as long as my lunds didn't get badly congested there was no problems. I even still had my stuffy nose the morning of surgery and everything still went fine.
   — lilmskitty

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