Has anyone had a problem with blood in their stool? (hope this isn't a duplicte post)

I have had blood in my stool for the past 3 days with a low amount of abdominal pain. The pain is not constant either. Just wondering if I should contact my doctor. I don't want to be an alarmist as he is very busy and I HATE going to the doctor unneccesarily. Any opinions are greatly appreciated!    — Patti T. (posted on August 26, 2002)

August 26, 2002
from what I understand, and by no means am I a doctor, but if it's internal blood it will be black, if the blood is bright red it is probably external...maybe hemrhoids??? I am 9 months out and am experiencing this myself.
   — Lynda T.

August 26, 2002
Blood in the stool could be something very simple and nothing to be concerned about, OR it could be an EMERGENCY situation, or it could be something to worry about but not be an emergency. You MUST call your doctor. Call him/her today! You COULD have a gastric bleed. It could be "nothing." Or it could just be "something." But the bottom line is that blood out of your bottom is NOT OKAY. CALL THE DOCTOR!!!
   — BethVBG

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