6 weeks post op and Extreme Fatigue

For the last 4 days, and b12 shot didn't help. Anyone know what is going on? How to fix it? It is a holiday weekend and I can't get to doctor till tuesday.    — Darlene P. (posted on August 30, 2002)

August 30, 2002
How many protein supps are you getting per day? What kind? How do you make them up? What kind of iron do you take? How? When? With what? What's an avg day in food like?
   — vitalady

August 30, 2002
I felt the same way at my 6 week check up. When I talked to my nutrionist she told me I needed to add more carbs to my diet. I basically had almost quit eating carbs before, trying to get into Ketosis. I followed her advice and every morning I eat a protein bar for breakfast, usually a Clif Peanut Butter Crunchy, Luna, or Balance Gold, every since I've been following this I feel better. At 6 weeks I felt like I could fall asleep at any time, any where, now at 10 weeks I feel great and have tons more energy. Good luck and God Bless!
   — stacjean

August 30, 2002
I'm not taking protein supps as I can't stand the taste of them, that includes protein bars. Lord knows I've spent a fortune trying every one. I'm trying to be sure there is protein in everything I eat and snack on like fish, chicken, cheese, milk, peanut butter. I east several times a day (every couple hours or less) and do get in carbs: I usually have a cracker or little spoonful of rice or some type of carb with meals. I don't know if this is enough information. Thanks for responding.
   — Darlene P.

August 30, 2002
Are you getting any exercise? I've noticed that after a brief walk even, I perk up. It's hard to do when you're already tired, but the more exercise you do, the more energy you have.
   — Angie M.

August 31, 2002
I am pre-op and was low on B-12. I take the shot 1X a week and 200mgs of b-6. At 3 weeks I have never felt better. I will have my surgery 9-18 - hope I can keep my levels up. Wishing you the best, Sherry in NM
   — Sherry A.

August 31, 2002
Hi Darlene.... I had something similar when just post up and mine was attributed to protein, water and B12. Drink drink drink that water as dehydration can also make you lethargic. I finally only recently linked into a protein that I love. It is Pro Score 100 Chocolate - I use 2 scoops (32g protein) with l/2 c. ice and 6 oz of milk or water and blend and it is great. I too went on a quest for protein spending a fortune and now this is my staple for breakfast everyday and l scoop with 5 oz of milk while cooking dinner. Also exercise is a key too...just when you are feeling really wiped out, even a brief walk can help boost your energy. I just invested in a Gazelle and I love it and it does not press on the joints. My best to you.
   — AJC750

August 31, 2002
I don't take the shots (Dr. says I don't need it), but I take a sublingual B-12 and also a B complex, as well as the other "vitamins". I get in a lot of protein (I use protein supplements for the morning as I can't stand breakfast). Anyway, I recently had a "thrombosed hemorrhoid" which means there was a hemorrhoid with a blood clot in it. The Dr. told me I needed to eat more fiber. I added a little cereal (high fiber, high protein) to my diet as well as some sprouted break (again high fiber & protein), and I lost 7 pounds in one week!!! Some people evidently need to burn those carbs. The other thing is.. for the last 2 days I haven't gotten my water in like I should, and I gained 3 of those pounds. Make sure you drink your water.
   — Ruth C.

August 31, 2002
To be honest, DON'T WORRY! Think about what you have done to your body. You are only 6 weeks out. When you have a baby it takes 6 weeks to heal and this is much more drastic! It is very normal. You were taking in so many calories before and now your brain is just realizing that it is have to live of of the "FAT of the LAND" it is in shock. Your DR is going to tell you it is normal! Good luck! I am 11 months out and down 148 pounds!!
   — hklang70

August 31, 2002
hi :) i was very drained for a while. but then i started to get energy back. i had open rny on feb 8 02 and now my energy level is off the hook! :) there are still times when i have a tired day. i recently had all the blood work for post op follow up but everything came back a o k ! it will get better hang in there :)
   — carrie M.

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