Is it normal to have so much pain after throwing up ?

I am asking your help. I am 4 1/2 weeks post op and having lots of problems from not being able to eat anything just liquids and when I do I get sick throw it up and have esophagus spasms for two or three hours? I have a scope scheduled for Sept 9th but I think I may be getting dehydrated. I am trying to keep liquids in but again the esophagus starts the spasms for a couple of hours again - what I could eat a week ago I can't eat now. I just don't understand why I am having such a change all of a sudden. I am very discouraged and getting on the depressed side. I have lost 31 pounds so far but I feel like crying everyday. I just don't know if this is ever gonna get better.    — Charlotte J. (posted on August 31, 2002)

August 31, 2002
Charolotte- If I were you, I'd demand to see my doctor sooner than the 9th of September. It's probably normal, but having a doctor confirm that will give you some peace of mind before then, and will (hopefully) allow you to relax - and know it's just part of the healing process.
   — swtp2nia1

August 31, 2002
It sounds like a stricture to me. You can't eat things that you could previously eat. Your stoma is closing up and that can be difficult to deal with if you don't get that fixed. If you are unable to keep liquids down, then you will dehydrate very quickly. That is what happened to me, (read profile). It sounds as if you need to be scoped and dilated WAY before the 9th. I would keep calling your surgeon, tell him you are now having a hard time with liquids. That will make them get you in faster. If you have any questions about strictures and/or the scoping process, please email me. I hope you find relief soon!
   — Cheri M.

August 31, 2002
I have seen quite a few patients come through our support group with nausea and trouble keeping even liquids in during the first 4-6 wks, but not with the spasms and pain. I can say that all did get throught it, but I agree with others that you should be seen sooner. Also, you might try going to the er, when you are having the spasms and then it can be monitored on the spot while you are having them. Also, if there isn't a dr there that is familiar with WLS patients, insist that they call one at least on the phone.
   — Elizabeth K.

September 1, 2002
Hi Charlotte, It is me...Marilyn. I hope you have gone to the ER by now. I know that you can't have an endoscopy until Sept 9 (they say) BUT if you can't keep even chicken broth or water down, you are definitely in need of an IV to get hydrated. I have read that they can't turn you down at the hospital if you can't even keep water down. I know Dr. Stickler is out of town but they can help you without him. When you are dehydrated which can happen really fast, you are messing up your electrolytes and could go into heart arthymia (spelling) so this is something that needs to be addressed. Are you able to pee? If not, you are very dehydrated and need an IV NOW! You have already been through a lot and you have to be very proactive at this time in your care. If you don't take care of yourself, the docs just tend to ignore you since they are so busy yodda, yodda, yodda. Insist that you receive care NOW. I love you and this simple procedure can save your life. It sounds like you have a stricture for sure and the endoscopy will take care of that. Until you have it, you must stay hydrated. GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM NOW AND INSIST ON CARE. LOVE YOU GIRL, MARILYN
   — Mylou52

September 1, 2002
Hi, I am 5 weeks out and has had some problems. Some days I am fine with chicken, as long as I chew it up real fine and take my time. Then there are days when I get sick from lunch meat, no matter how fine I chew it, it comes back up. When this happens, I sip hot liquids and it helps relax my stomach. After a while, I can eat almost anything I want to. The heat loosens things up a bit. If you drink coffee, or hot tea in the morning, it makes things alot easier through out the day. Just make sure you get your protien in every day. I use skim milk and a soy protien powder that helps so much to get the nutrition that I need. I go to VitaminWorld in the mall and buy a soy protein called "Soy Protein Isolate Powder" and it has no sugar and only 1 gram of carbs. It comes in Chocolate, Vanilla, and Strawberry. It don't taste bad, like a little thin milk shake. It has 27 servings per can and costs $16. 98 per can. It also had 25 grams of protein per serving, so I use two servings a day and get my required 60 grams of protein a day from them and what little meat I eat through out the day. I hope this helps. Ps, I found a flavored water that helps me get my water in. It is made by gator aid and called propel fitness water. It only has 2 grams of sugar per serving and is great. You can get the propel in Walmarts or your local grocery store. I get a funny feeling when I drink Fruit H2O, so I don't use it anymore. I also can't use splenda products anymore cause it makes me feel funny too... Go Figure! Andrea
   — Andrea S.

September 1, 2002
Thank you all for your advice - I am feeling a little better today keeping liquid down but not tryin food. I appreciate the advice and knew deep down I should be taken care of sooner than the ninth. And I will. Thanks again.
   — Charlotte J.

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