They found a staple IN my pouch while doing the endiscopy

Has anyone had a endiscopy where they go in to dilate and they see a staple??? He left it there and did the dilation but told me if I started to get sick again come back and he will remove the staple. I now alert am wondering where did it come from and is it important???? I am going to check with my orginal surgeon and find out but has anyone had this problem???    — Charlotte J. (posted on September 16, 2002)

September 16, 2002
My husband had an endoscopy on 8/30 and the doctor found 2 staples that had worked there way to his opening. The doctor removed them. I would think that if the staple was sitting in that position, it would be very easy for food to get stuck on it. Be aware after you eat how you feel, if it seems to take a while for food to leave your pouch, you need to let the doctor know. Good luck
   — bbjnay

September 16, 2002
Were you transected? If not you MAY have a future staple line disruption. Great how our bodies work to fix themselves.:( I would talk to your surgeon but to prevent future problems at a inconvenient time I would get scoped again and get it removed. This would freak me out too....
   — bob-haller

September 17, 2002
I was transctd cut and they are again telling me today the surgeon that it is normal and it will work out on its own and pass??? I am just spastic but can not do a thing. Thanks for all of your answers. lap rny 072902
   — Charlotte J.

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