How do you know if you have a hernia?

I have this weird feeling to the right of my belly button. It doesn't hurt, but it almost feels like when you are pregnant and you feel your baby move. II am not pregnant but the feeling is like that. It is like a muscle or something moves there. Sometimes I have have my husband bounce his hand on my belly and it feels so relaxing like pressure being off of me. He just does it lightly w/ his hand on the lower part of my belly. I know it sounds weird, but is this a sihn of a hernia? THANKS FOR ANY HELP POSSIBLE.    — Kelliann S. (posted on October 21, 2002)

October 21, 2002
Lay on your back and do a sit up. If a bulge pops out of your stomach, it's a hernia.
   — Lisa N M.

October 22, 2002
I have recently felt the same thing and also described it as the feeling you get when you are pregnant and the baby is moving. I went to see my surgeon last week because I also have been feeling pressure and pain right under my right rib. I'm going for a gall bladder ultrasound tomorrow to see if that is the problem. I'm interested to see what other answers you get. (my surgeon checked for poss hernia and said it wasn't that.)
   — Kelly T.

October 22, 2002
I haven't had a baby so I can't compare this to that, but I have a pain just to the right of my belly button too. I do not feel a bulge, just pain when I push on it or bump up against something. Interested to see what yours is.
   — tulagirl

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