How soon should one document....

Rashes, boils and skin discolorations from past rashes and scarring from boils. I am pre-op, but have suffered since I was a child with nasty ole boils and rashes. Some not in them deep dark, moist area's too. I'm hoping to have WLS sometime in the near future, but I know as the hanging skin gets worse, so will these conditions. Should I begin documentation now, or wait till after surgery? I have never been treated at a Dr's office for any of these conditions yet either. So when?    — Moma V. (posted on October 22, 2002)

October 22, 2002
Hi Vickie, I would start as of now! I have had so many rashes and for years and I had to be treated my my doctors and find temporary relief but its documented and got sent out to my insurance also for my RNY. I hope to get the surgery approved with that and my other illnesses. That way after you have your surgery and are looking into the TT you will have it all documented and ready to go!
   — Vicki R.

October 23, 2002
YESTERDAY!!! Really, go back as far as you can remember and document them all. Even though you have had no treatment for them still document them for insurance to see. I'd also try to go visit my PCP if possible when they occur so they'd be DR supervised. Good Luck!
   — Lynda T.

October 26, 2002
Thanks Ladies, I forgot what I started this question with, so it took me a couple days to find it. :) Ohh gosh the first one(boil) I remember was when I was 5 yrs old and it was on the top of my thigh, I remember my mother getting a needle hot and poking it, and the gosh awful smell. I'm 43, so that means I've had these awful things for 38 yrs! Thank you much!
   — Moma V.

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