I am curious to know...should I take my blood pressure medicine

the morning of my surgery? My orders said No Food/Drink after midnight...but should I take it with a sip of water or just "forget" about taking it?    — april-michele D. (posted on January 1, 2003)

January 1, 2003
Ask your doctor. My instructions said that we could have a small sip of water to take meds but I wasn't on any so I don't know. You need to clarify that with the doctor or someone in his office.
   — Patty_Butler

January 1, 2003
This is something that you should discuss with your surgeon AND your PCP. Your surgeon will most likely defer to the primary, but it's good to keep him in the loop. <p> It is <b>not</b> something that you should be asking people here...JR
   — John Rushton

January 1, 2003
This MUST be discussed with your surgeon and your anesthesiologist before the surgery. CALL ASAP!
   — Linda 1.

January 1, 2003
Absolutely you must discuss this with the aneasthesiologist. I followed my surgeon's instruction to the letter about my pre surgery medications. The anaesthesiologist took one look at what I had taken the morning of surgery and absolutely refused to do the surgery with that medication in my system (it was an oral diabetic medicine). I had to wait another 2 months for a sugery date. I was devastated. By all means consult your PCP and you surgeon but DO NOT leave the anaesthesiologist out of this loop. The price can be too high if you do.
   — Julia O.

January 1, 2003
Hi there, April! My doctor's orders were that I could have my hypertension med, with a tiny sip of water in the morning, but that was all, I had several meds that I wasn't allowed to take. They asked me when we got to the hospital if I had had nothing to eat/drink after midnight, I told them about the pill and sip and told them that my doc said to and they were fine. If in doubt ask your doctor. He will tell you if you could or not and he would know which anesthesiologist he will be working with.
   — Vi F.

January 1, 2003
I was told by my surgeon and anesthesiologist that I SHOULD DEFINITELY take my blood pressure medication on the morning of surgery with just enough water to get the pills down...not any more.
   — Tracy A.

January 2, 2003
I just went to my pre-op (surgery is Monday, Jan 6th) and he said YES take your high blood pressure medicine in the morning of surgery with a little water (not alot). But don't take your vitamins or anti-depressents.
   — Suzanne F.

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