I am Four Days from surgery and just found out that my sugar level is 247...

Will this prevent me from having surgery on Friday?    — april-michele D. (posted on January 6, 2003)

January 6, 2003
Have you previously been diagnosed with Type II diabetes? If so, you will want to make sure you are taking whatever meds are prescribed for you. Post-op your blood sugars will probably return to normal. The best course is to call your doctor and ask whether that will cause a postponement.
   — garw

January 6, 2003
Hello! Nope it sure wont. I didnt realize I had a sugar problem until the morning of surgery and they tested me and mine was 310. I was on insulin the intire hospital stay and have been "normal" since!!!~ Best of Luck to ya!~ Connie
   — Sassy M.

January 6, 2003
i was diagnosed with type II diabetes 6 months before my surgery. my numbers were not very high so my cardiologist opted not to treat me as a diabetic as long as i promised to cut out all sugar in my diet. he knew i was going to have wls & didnt want me to become insulin dependent as he felt the weight loss would take care of the diabetes. when i first met dr newhoff i was honest & told him this. he agreed with my cardiologist. my day before pre-op blood workup showed that my numbers were still elevated but dr newhoff was not concerned about it. the day after surgery my blood sugar was back in the normal range & has stayed there ever since. dont get urself all worked up. if it will make u feel better, call ur surgeon & discuss it with him. good luck & god bless u
   — sheryl titone

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