Can anyone having had this after gastric bypass surgery please share your experience?

My sister knows a gentleman who has had gastric bypass and did very well so his wife decided she would go ahead with hers. Well she didnt do as well and was in a coma for quite awhile. When all hope just about was given up on her she came out of it but now has what is known as "brain fog." Can anyone having had gastric bypass surgery and gone through this please let me know so that I may pass the word along to him. He is very worried about her. Thank you for your help.    — Susan J. (posted on January 16, 2003)

January 16, 2003
Hi Susan: I am so sorry to hear of your friend's wife. He must be going through hell now. My son was in a severe automobile accident in 1989. He was in a coma for 8 days, and just miraculously came out of the coma. I think what you are referring to as "brain fog" is basically the confusion and disorientation that exists after a traumatic brain event. The doctors were not sure how much of his past life my son would remember. He never remembered any events of the accident, but slowly began to remember events of his life before the accident. This took time for him. In addition, he was diagnosed with ataxia, a condition that is sort of like a palsy. He had to relearn to walk and talk again. He did make an almost full recovery. He is quite literate and articulate now, and I am extremely proud of him. The medical profession truly does not know how much a person will remember after this traumatic event. I know my son had difficulty with specific things, such as months of the year, and remembering some events. He was in a special brain injury unit at a Rebah Hospital. When I would see some of those who were even worse than him 6 months later, I was amazed and thrilled at the progress that they had made. No one would ever know how badly they had been injured. I hope the best for this woman. With the help of a good Rehab physician/hospital, I believe her recovery will be just as miraculous. Love Grace
   — Grace H.

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