If you have had rashes under your breasts, PLEASE READ THIS! Maybe u can answer my ?

To anyone who has ever had rashes under their breasts, what did they look like, and where were they exactly? Did you get them on both sides at the same time, or just one or the other? Also, were they only in the crease/fold, or also on the underside of the breast and on the ribcage area too? Thank you so much, in advance, for letting me "pick your brain"!!!    — blank first name B. (posted on January 26, 2003)

January 26, 2003
Hi Gretchen, Yes, I have had rashes there. They were reddish-purple and the smell was awful. It was a yeast infection. I use Lotrimin powder spray. It comes in a gray aerosol can and you can get it over the counter.
   — daisymae

January 26, 2003
Hello, Like carole said that is yeast. I hate it and I get it at least everyother week sometimes under one breast sometimes both. And yes they smell gross. Im in the ob-gyn field so my doctor documents this everytime hoping it will help down the road.
   — Schatzie1

January 26, 2003
Yes, I get this all the time. It's a red, bumpy, irritated area that seems to originate at the crease, and covers both the bottom of the breast and the area of the ribcage against which the breast lies. It gets sweaty and oozy and slimy and smells HORRIBLE. I wash with antibacterial soap and then apply a medicated powder after I'm dry. It usually clears up within a day or two, but because I get them so very often, the skin seems to be permanently discolored. I had one doctor years ago tell me it was my own fault I got these rashes because obviously I didn't keep myself clean and dry. So I've been humiliated about them for years.
   — Dragon G.

January 26, 2003
Okay, finally a question I have some experience in! (smile) I get the dreaded breast rash too (also under the stomach), especially in the summer when it's warm. I have a couple great pieces of advice:<br> <br> I use corn starch every day. Yup, corn starch! It's cheap and has no fragrances that can irratate your skin or make a rash much worse. If you keep the area dry, a rash will not develop. <br> <br> If you already have a rash, you can do one of two things. If it is not a bad rash, keeping the area dry with corn starch for a few days should help. Certainly if it gets worse, discontinue the corn starch. And, if it does not get better in a couple days then something else is needed.<br> <br> The rash is caused by yeast and if bad, can be treated with any yeast medication like yeast guard or something similar. Since starting to use corn starch several years ago, I have never had to use anything else.
   — Martha K.

January 26, 2003
I get the same thing under my boobs, too. I use either Gold Bond powder or antibiotic cream, both seem to work well.
   — Sweets

January 26, 2003
I have this also. I hate it!! I also get it under my stomach at my c/section incision site. Yes it is a yeast infection like the others have said. THe only thing that works for me is to completely dry off even if I have to use the hair dryer and apply desitin(diaper rash cream) this is what works best for me.
   — Melissa T.

January 26, 2003
I use arderarm eodarant in the folds and I never get a rash in the folds or the horrible odors that others speack of. This is a trick my father taught me after having my C-section. good luck adn give this a try
   — nccarolinagirl

January 26, 2003
I used to have those terrible, until I had my breast reduction. I would advise keeping the area clean and dry.Document it also with pictures if you plan on plastic surgery in the future. Good luck!
   — Stephanie B.

January 26, 2003
Yes, I had it forever until my breast reduction, but I still get it under my belly folds. I use Clotrimazol for yeast infections (Walgreens has a 3-day tube which is stronger than others and works much better). I second the deoderant idea, I just forget about it!
   — deespol

January 26, 2003
I used to get the rash under both breasts and under my belly. What I've found is the best thing to do is EVERY morning after my shower I use the hair dryer and dry the areas completely until it feels hot. Yeast likes to live in dark, and moist areas, so if you dry it that completely it shouldn't be able to live. I haven't really had the rash since I started doing this. The few times I have I've just used an over the counter fungal cream. Kristy open rny 12/3/04 -35
   — Kristy L.

January 29, 2003
I have gotten this also, and also in my armpits and the crease of my thighs. It's horrible, smelly and painful too. Mine has been very red, raised and bumpy with small blisters at times. I used yeast cream to clear it up. Now at the slightest sign of a rash, just a little reddening, I apply the yeast cream and it clears up in a day or two. I find it hard to use powder every day because it seems to make me cough a lot and cause congestion, but on really hot days I do and it helps keep me dry. I also use the hair dryer to make sure I am really dry. Good luck.
   — Janet S.

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