Anyone know any ways to get rid of excess water weight?

The good news is that I am able to completely stop taking one of my blood pressure medicines - the one with a mild diuretic. The bad news is that I have retained about 6 lbs of excess fluid over the past week. (B/P is still fine 110/72). I have a little edema in my lower legs and my hands are puffy. I even got a little short of breath walking up a steep hill on my walk yesterday - never had that before. Anyone else have this happen? Will the fluid take care of itself? Any ideas on "natural" diuretics - food sources (not into herbal stuff at all)? Thanks -    — koogy (posted on February 2, 2003)

February 2, 2003
Hi. Drink lots of water and cut down on your carbs and fats. It's always worked for me.
   — Sarah S.

February 2, 2003
Are you pre-menstrual? That can put on several pounds of water that will come off by itself. Also, walking is a good way to help get rid of the fluid in your legs. Walking stimulates your circulation and the fluid is caused by poor circulation, especially in your lower extremities.
   — garw

February 2, 2003
I think the first thing you need to do is call the doctor and tell him about the shortness of breath and water retention, they can be indicative of health problems and should be checked. If you are just retaining fluids, as crazy as it sounds you must drink more water to help flush it out. Asparagus is a good natural diuretic as well. Good luck.
   — Linda 1.

February 2, 2003
I don't miss high blood pressure, but I do miss the diruretic I took. Basically I avoid sodium and salty things, I notice it big time the next day If I had something high in sodium I feel like my hand and feet will bust open. I do add lemon to my water every day since its supposed to be a natural diruretic and that seems to help, but do check with you doctor to make sure its not something else first and maybe he has some ideas to help if so share them :)
   — Laurie B.

February 2, 2003
Another food that is a really good natural diuretic is brown rice. Give it a try.
   — thumpiez

February 2, 2003
Hi! This is Sue, the poster, and I wanted to thank everyone for the responses. Christie - never heard of the brown rice idea but I will give that a try. Laurie, I doubt this is anything serious, and I pretty much avoid sodium. No one seemed the least bit concerned with the extra 15 lbs of fluid I slooshed home with me from the hospital. (They couldn't find a wheelchair so I walked to the discharge area - I was fatter and full of fluid - huffing and puffing my way home!) Linda, I forgot about asparagus, which I love anyway, and I already drink about a gallon of water everyday. Gar, I'm not premenstrual (in fact, waited until after my period to stop the B/P med, expecting this to happen). I walk my big old Rottweiler for an hour or more everyday, and don't have any circulatory problems. (Took my beautician mother's advice when I was young and just starting out and always wore support hose when I was working!) And Sarah, I have been upping the protein (cluck! cluck!) and cutting the carbs to almost nothing. I have a whey protein powder I really like and have a protein shake to start every day. Thanks again for the suggestions and I do see my PCP on Friday, so if I can't get rid of some of this by then, I'll ask him what else I can do!
   — koogy

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