I need to find out where to buy a battery operated fan, I looked everywhere and all i

could find was the little ones you hold... Help I am having an open rny may 6th... I sleep with a fan at home everynight and am concerned that I won't get any rest at the hosp.. Any ideas? Anyone selling one? thank you    — hillafb U. (posted on April 27, 2003)

April 27, 2003
I had my surgery in mid July and I was very hot in the hospital.My hubby brought a fan from home. It was an occilatting fan with stand. My roomates were very fond of me. I felt bad when I went home and the fan went with me. Anyway, ask they may allow you to bring yours from home. If not I found a battery operated fan in the camping gear at our local Navy Exchange. I'm sure you can find one at a WalMart or any store that carries camping gear. Good luck . Becky
   — perpetualuv

April 27, 2003
They have them here at the Osco, Walgreens etc... have you tried those places? You will surely have a plug in... and I took mine, and they ended up having a box fan there... so you might ask the surgeon...
   — MF

April 27, 2003
Call the hospital and check. Often times they will have one available there that you can use.
   — Theresa A

April 27, 2003
I got my fan at It is called personal desktop fan. It is very hot in my classroom and I needed something that I could put on my desk. The fan takes batteries and it is great. I plan on taking this to the hospital when I have my surgery in July.
   — Lisa N.

April 27, 2003
Hi. I ordered one (with some other really cool stuff) from - another wls friend gave me their website! Good luck!
   — Melissa B.

April 27, 2003
My hospital told me I couldn't plug my fan in, but I did anyway and they never moved it or turned it off. At a different hospital, my friend was told he couldn't plug in his VCR, but he did anyway and it was fine. Next time, I won't even ask, I'll just assume. What's the worst - they can say put it away? Then may or may not enforce it.
   — jen41766

April 27, 2003
I too always sleep with a fan on (more for the noise than anything else), but didn't miss it one bit in the hospital.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 27, 2003
They have great battery operated fans at the Coleman camping store. Also, any auto shop should have the battery operated clip on fans for use in a car.
   — Judy N.

April 28, 2003
I agree with the poster who posted the website. There are a lot of wonderful handy items there, including a fan that can work on AC or batteries and also comes with a plug for the car. Other items such as the long handles with sponges are great!
   — Debbie B.

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