has anyone had surgery with cardiomyopathy?

i have chf w/ an ejection fraction of 20-22%. is there anyone out there who had surgery after being refered to a bariatric surgeon by your cardiologist? ineed information. i have a consultation on 7/30/03. can anyone help me?    — Crystal P. (posted on July 14, 2003)

July 14, 2003
I am pre-op, but I have my surgery in 22 days, on August 6th. I have cardiomyopathy with a fraction of 40%, due to a blood clot on the lower left venticle of my heart, my cardiologist did give me clearance for the surgery, he feels that the stress off my heart is a big benefit. My surgeon agreed to do my WLS, but I am considered a high risk patient. I am very lucky, my surgeon use to be a heart surgeon, before he changed fields, so I feel very comfortable with his skills. Hope this helps, if you would like to know more about my risks, please read my profile.
   — cindy

July 15, 2003
I am pre-op with cardiomopathy, Left Ventricular Hypertrophy and Idiopathic Hypertrophic Sub-Aortic Stenosis, CHF, etc., etc., etc. I have a great cardiologist and she sent me to a wonderful interventionalist who did a right and left sided heart cath - they were more interested if there were any artierial blockages. They also sent me for an EP study - electrophysical - they run an electical current through your heart to see if they can stress it to the point of getting an irregular rhythm. This is extremely important since after the surgery you lose lots of weight and fluids so fast you can upset your eletrolytes and send your heart into a fatal rhythm. All 3 cardiologists were top notch and very excited that I was having the surgery felt it would greatly improve my EF and all other conditions. Don't let them do a stress test and base theri decision on it as the stress test, even a dobutamine one, is innappropriate for large people and women due to breast tissue - it interferes with getting a good image of the heart. The heart cath and EP study are best way of knowing if your heart can withstand surgery. They also checked out my lung/pressures during it to see if anesthisia would be problematic. They were not concerned with EF, said more important to check out "plumbing" (heart cath) and "wiring" (EP Study). Good luck!
   — Deborah F.

July 17, 2003
Hi Crystal, I have an ejection fraction of 30%. My PCP and cardiologist both wrote letters recommending me for surgery but both surgeons I have met with require me to lose 50 pounds FIRST to make the surgery safer. The cardiologist and PCP feels it is MORE dangerous to wait than to have the surgery. Best of luck to you; taking the weight off quickly is the best way to relieve the stress on your heart.
   — duane B.

July 17, 2003
Hi Crystal-I have cardiomyopathy and CHF with ejection fraction of 37%. My cardiologist recommended this surgery to me as he said I wouldn't make it 5 more years if I didnt do SOMETHING. I also have diabetes, sleep apnea, neuropathy, peripheral edema, GERd and a few more things that I can't think of offhand. I am scheduled for surgery on this Tuesday July 22, 2003. I have to go tomorrow for an EGD as my throat is like closed up but anyways I have been cleared by three different cardiologists who consider me to be a moderate risk. I have my fingers crossed that they are right. The pulmonary doctor is more scared of my sleep apnea and my high chance of clots but even he says my quality of life is so poor that this is essential for me to take this risk. So I am excited yet apprehensive and nervous. I really believe that this is the best thing that I can do for myself. I hope the decision that you make is right for you. best of luck.
   — Patti D.

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