Dr.Phil meal replacement bars..anyone try them?

Dr.PHil Meal replacement barshas 15protein,6fiber,210calories,29carbs,11sugars. They dont taste great but quite tolerable so I think they may be okay. Has anyone tried them? How many carbs should be per meal? I am 16 months out and still have 15lbs to get to my personal goal. I keep going up and down between 161 and 159.So I guess I need advice.    — Laurie B. (posted on September 28, 2003)

September 28, 2003
I wouldn't support these because Dr. Phil's name is attached...I totally dislike him; he's so mean-spirited in his attempt to "help" you. Just my two cents.
   — rebeccamayhew

September 28, 2003
29 carbs!!?? That is more than I get in my six meals a day! Wow. Nina in Maine
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 28, 2003
I love Dr. Phil's "tell it like it is" approach, but 29 grams of carbs are to much for our weightloss journey. I'd say forget those!
   — Starrlina

September 28, 2003
I do not like Dr Phil, he calls weight loss surgery a "quick fix" and often refers to wls as GBGB, Gastric Bypass Gone Bad. i would not buy anytning that would benfit him in any way i would find something else for myself.
   — janetc00

September 28, 2003
Dr. Phil is a phony! If not for Oprah, he would not have a show. He is mean and hateful in his approach to honesty and accountability. I have heard from other sorces that he is a first class jerk in person too. I am with some of the other posters, I would not support him in any way. He says WLS is the quick fix and now he's jumped on the bandwagon with the rest of the world that claims to have "the answer". If it were that easy, none of us would have a problem. That's my two cents on the Dr. Phil products.
   — Happy I.

September 28, 2003
I adore the man and his no nonsense approach to dealing with life. I don't agree with everything he says, but I love him anyway. As far as the protein bars, too many carbs, so never tried them. Maybe when I've lost my first 100 lbs, I'll give them a try.
   — Rosa F.

September 28, 2003
As for taste, they are ok. 29 g of carbs is too much. As for them being from Dr. Phil, who cares. You are only offended if you choose to be. I personally love his show and his get real attitude.
   — Baby Blues

September 28, 2003
I am almost 6 weeks out so carbs isn't too much of a problem right now, but that does seem like a lot. The sugar is way too high also! Can you imagine eating one of those in one sitting, I would think that would make you dump. Also, Dr. Phil has a very hard opinion about anything that has to do with weight loss surgery. Have you seen the guy? He isn't exactly in his BMI range right now! I wouldn't give him the time of day. I did buy a tape of his a couple of years back about relationships, it was good but this was before I had heard his take on weight loss surgery. I would put my money into a high protein bar, without some rude and shameless endorsement stuck to it.
   — Michawn

September 28, 2003
Oh boy, Laurie's probably sorry she asked this question already, but I have to throw my 3 cents in here, too. Many years ago, on Oprah, I saw Dr. Phil tell a 500 pound woman in the audience, who was crying and begging him to help her, to just "get in touch with her inner child" and she'll lose the weight. That's also when he came out with his famous, "just put the twinkie down" statement. I've never watched Oprah or "Dr." Phil since, and will not support anything with his name on it. He's an ignorant snake oil salesman jumping on the very lucrative weight loss bandwagon....and he's NOT and MD.
   — Leslie F.

September 29, 2003
Don't get me started on that man...I would not care if he had THE BEST protein bar out there, I won't be lining his stomach. The other night he told a woman in his weight loss group if she wanted a quick fix, get your stomach stapled. He should learn about things before blasting them. He says his new "steps" thing is the key...yeah right! He's regurgitating things from a whole lot of places. Good advice? Yes, but it's just another thing that will take off a little---put on a lot more. I think he is smart and no-nonsense, however, he's not at all empathetic about obesity. Am i the only one that thinks this guy is FAT? He bugs me!
   — Donya P.

September 29, 2003
To Diane...I'm well aware that a Dr. is not just an MD. I was referring to Phil's use of his title to mislead the public into thinking that he is an MD. He has no business being in the weight loss business. He's uninformed and ignorant in this area and would be well suited to offer support and motivation to the obese, rather than play (medical) doctor on TV.
   — Leslie F.

September 29, 2003
Haven't tried them but it sounds like too many carbs with too little protein to me; there are better choices out there.
   — LLinderman

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