~~blush~~ After having breast reduction surgery has anyone had their nipples pierced?

I have lost 140 pounds. I had breast reduction surgery in July 2003. For the first time in my life I have cute breasts and not ones that sag to my knees. I have always wanted to pierce my nipples but never had the nerve. I know there are risks involved. I was just wondering if the risks increase after breast reduction surgery. Has anyone with breast reduction surgery gotten their nipples pierced? Any input on this subject would be welcome. I am sorry if I offended anyone with this question. I did not know where else to ask it.Thank You    — Kimberly V. (posted on October 26, 2003)

October 26, 2003
Hi Kimberly, Nipple piercing isn't my thing! My ears are oierced and that's as far as I ever want to go.... lol I guess my husband would think I went off the edge, if I was to pierce the girls! I'm 53 and I don't nor ever felt the need to walk around with my nipples pierced young or old, but what ever floats your boat I guess..... I read your profile thinking you must be alot younger than me and even though you didn't state your age I'm assuming your in my age bracket or there abouts. You Go My friends daughter did this and ended up loosing her nipple to a bad infection...Her mother about killed her. She was on Spring Break and away from home at the time this idea to pierce her nipples occurred. I had a hard time having my plastic surgeon look at my breast much less someone working on them in this way. lol I'm awaiting approval for a masopexy, due to the fact I've lost my mass of fat in the Hooters. I should be hearing within the next 1-2 weeks. Good Luck!
   — Hazel S.

October 26, 2003
Try you navel! I had mine pierced two years ago after I lost 45#'s and made it to 200#'s (course I gained it all back and then some up to 270#'s) I took mine out for the surgery and had to be in the hospital a little longer so I missed the window to get it back in without having problems. I miss it! You can get the prettiest naval rings and bars now! I can't wait it get it back in, going to do so when I get down to 199! A present to me!
   — Michawn

October 26, 2003
Kimberly, I LOVE piercings. One of my fave sites is If you go there they have a ask your question section and experts will answer it. I LOVED my tounge piercing but had to take it out due to gum recession. My nipple never did heal so I had to take it out. Good luck! :-)
   — Emily H.

October 26, 2003
Kimberly.....I would definately ask your plastic surgeon about this. Even though they say it takes 3-6 months to see results, I think it takes about 1 year to fully heal. I just had a tummy tuck, breastlift and my arms done a month ago, and while in the hospital, joked with my daughter that I was now going to get my belly button pierced. The surgeon happened to overhear me and told me to wait at least a year. I know with my breast lift, the nipples were removed and reattached, and thankfully, the nerves and blood supply were restored, but I also know any infection could change that. From a personal standpoint, I like pierced nipples, but after the pain I've gone through with the plastic surgery, there is no way I'd be willing to subject the girls to any more pain. A lot of my daughters' friends have pierced their nipples and all have said it was excruciatingly painful.
   — Cyndie K.

October 27, 2003
I have had my navel pierced, back in my adventurous flat tummy days, and just recently pierced my nose and have a tiny stud in. A quality piercing parlor and proper aftercare can eliminate the infection questions, but if we are talking about reduced blood flow due to surgery, I would definitely check with your surgeon. When he gives you a time frame, ask him to give you the reasons behind his suggestion. (Sometimes doctors will throw out a number without having anything to back it up!). As an aside, I have heard that nipple piercing is very painful and is hard to properly keep up the aftercare required. My navel piercing was not painful at all, and both times that I've pierced my nose (took it out the first time for WLS), it just stung a little. But having gone through both WLS and breast reduction surgery, you've probably got a pretty good pain threshold anyway...Good luck! Open RNY 03/20/03 326/226/146
   — vittycat

November 2, 2003
I have talked to my PS. He does not approve of nipple piercing but said if I want to get it done I have to wait until one year after my breast reduction. It take a complete year for the breast to heal. So I have until July 2004 to think about this. Thanks to everyone that responed. Hugs.
   — Kimberly V.

November 10, 2004
After debating back and forth this past year...I went last week and had them pierced. The piercer I went to has a good rep. and was very friendly. She answered all my question and gave me EXTENSIVE after care instructions. It will take 4-6 months for them to heal. The belly button actually takes a Year and has a lot more complications. They will not do my belly button becaue of the scaring from the Tummy Tuck.
   — Kimberly V.

November 10, 2004
After debating back and forth this past year...I went last week and had them pierced. The piercer I went to has a good rep. and was very friendly. She answered all my question and gave me EXTENSIVE after care instructions. It will take 4-6 months for them to heal. The belly button actually takes a Year and has a lot more complications. They will not do my belly button becaue of the scaring from the Tummy Tuck.
   — Kimberly V.

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