Is it true that carbonated beverages will stretch our pouch

   — Lisa H. (posted on November 18, 2003)

November 18, 2003
the "debate' on soda is the same as "diet" EVERY SURGEON has their 'belive' ... you have pros/ cons. I DO know, from personal experience, that soda just doesnt taste or feel good after surgery. I didnt even retry to after a year post op. Also, you can get a 'MAJOR" and it hurts like heck.. gas pain... I thought I was having 'an attack'
   — star .

November 18, 2003
The carbination will not stretch your will come up and make your BURP. :) That said, the bubbles are uncomfortable for many post-ops. I do like the occasional soda, but do not like the bubbles. To solve this predicament, I now pour my soda in a glass and add a packet or two of Splenda. I would recommend adding Splenda slowly because it makes your soda fizz quickly and I have overflowed my glass many times. The Splenda fizzes the soda which leave is with greatly reduced carbination when the bubbles settle. Good luck with your journey.
   — Rachel T.

November 18, 2003
My Doctor positivley forbids carbonated beverages. He says there is evidence that over time the carbonation stretches your pouch. He will allow a Diet Coke if you let it go flat first. Dr. Titus Duncan is my surgeon and has a web site. You can get the name of his nutritionist off the site and she is usually glad to speak to anyone over the phone, she may be able to give you some study results or some other more concrete information. I know if it is even a remote possibility I can go the rest of my life without another carbonated beverage!
   — danagates

November 18, 2003
My surgeons group also had us swear off carbonation for the rest off our lives. I was nervous about it being difficult for me but it was not and I feel so much better now, not drinking the stuff. I know this is something I can live with and not miss it. There is much debate even within my doctors group of patients wether it really effects you or not but every patient I have seen long term who has gained weight back says it started when they started back on carbonation, wether diet or not. They also say it is so much harder to give it up the 2nd time around. I have never heard anything positive about soda or barbonation so I will stick with what I am doing. By the way 4 months out today and down 85 pounds :)
   — Kelly R.

November 18, 2003
From my understanding and research, there is no proof as to whether or not carbonation will stretch your pouch. EVERYONE'S pouch will stretch to a certain extent over time, but there's no way that it can stretch to be the size it was before surgery. One of the main reasons for using the upper portion of the stomach to make the new pouch is that the upper portion of the stomach is very tough and less likely to stretch. The carbonation issue varies with surgeon's, so just go with what your surgeon says. BTC specializes in this surgery and this surgery alone -- their rule is no carbonation for 6 months.
   — Lynette B.

November 18, 2003
As much as I was a Diet Coke junkie before WLS, I don't think that I world, or could, go back to it. Small price to pay for losing the weight this way. If my surgeon and his dietician tell me to do something, I don't think they say it to be mean.... it is in my best interest. <br> There are so many things we can drink, really, so even after 18 months I still do not miss the soda at all (I used to drink at least 6 cans/day).<br>
   — kultgirl

November 18, 2003
No, it won't stretch your pouch. That being can be uncomfortable, and in no way is it good for you. Go without it for a couple of months and it will be easier not to have it. I have not had a soda in over two years, and when I do have a sip of it.....ewwwwww.
   — RebeccaP

November 19, 2003
Diet Coke was harder to kick than chocolate---and I always considered chocolate to have it's own level on the food pyramid!! I stopped Diet Coke 3 month prior t/surgery, and I'm now 2 1/2 years out. Don't even miss it. Occasionally I will be somwhere without my trusty bottle--we're attached----usually at a relative's house on an unplanned visit and I'll have a diet pop to drink. Ugh.. nasty and the carbination just fills me up too quick and is so uncomfortable. It definately is not my drink of choice. And then there's that thing about caffine and calcium---not worth the risk for me. There's a Alot of good advice in these awnsers. Read them, study up, listen to your nutritionist and make an informed decision. As always our continued health is really up to us. Good Luck
   — bek4901

November 20, 2003
Not an expert here and when my surgeon strongly suggested I not use carbonated beverages I listened. I picked my surgeon for a reason and if I wasn't going to heed his advice than I don't know why I would continue to use him. On occasion I have had a sip of soda if I needed a taste of something different. What it does to my insides isn't worth it. I had a BPD/DS and the gas and bloating just isn't worth any of it. Also, when I use the bathroom there's too much air the carbonation has produced. Some folks do fine with it, some don't. If your surgeon/nutritionist said no than I would probably take their advice. Or, try it and see how you react to it. May not make you feel so hot. Also, caffeine's a stimulant and that could trigger eating.
   — Linda M.

November 25, 2003
Ok...I had lap rny 8/7/02. I started drinking my Diet Pepsi again about 5-6 months post-op. Right now I drink about 2 20oz a day. I am still losing weight, can't eat anymore than usual, everything is fine, EXCEPT...I get bad gas sometimes from the fizz. Sometimes it does not come out as BURPS, it comes out as...well...ya know, something ELSE lol It also hinders my water drinking, and sucks the calcium out of my bones...but I'm an addict, what can I say.
   — fropunka

November 25, 2003
Oh, I also forgot that it rots my teeth...AND sometimes the gas won't come out, thats the worst...ok i'm done :o)
   — fropunka

December 1, 2003
I'm over 2 years post-op and have been drinking diet coke since post-op month 2. My surgeon said that it does not stretch your stomach. I've been at goal for over a year and have had no problem keeping my weight off and all I drink is diet coke.
   — Patty H.

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