Anyone out there with my numbers not have to have plastic surgery?

I'm 28 yrs old, no kids, started out at 236, I'm 5'3 and have been overweight all my life. I have lost 72 lbs in 5 months and terrified I'll need plastic surgery. Has anyone else my size didn't have to have it? Or should I be patient and hope the skin goes back into place?.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on November 30, 2003)

November 30, 2003
Hello! I am 5'3 and started at 235 lbs. I'm a lot older - 42 yrs old, and have lost 91 lbs to date down to 144 lbs. I had two previous c-sections plus a hysterectomy, but I'm pretty sure I will not need to have my tummy done. I still have another 14 lbs to goal, but the closer I get, the better my tummy is looking. Granted I do not have a flat, six packed stomach, but that's okay for a 42 year old woman. I think I reserve judgement until I have been at goal for a year or so to see how well my skin adjusts. Now, my boobs on the other hand have always been sagging! If I can come up with some $$ to have them done one day I will :) Barb 4/07/03 235/144/130
   — Barbara C.

November 30, 2003
To help minamize the need for plastic surgery exercise is a must. You want to tone things up, as you lose the fat replace it with muscle. They say your skin retains elasticity up to a year or two after surgery anything hanging after that is there to stay without the aide of surgery. I have personally lost 168lbs, my peak weigh being 308lbs. After this much weight loss there is a lot of excess skin and as long as everything in the middle is covered I look pretty darn good. (so i've been told) But no bikini for me. Hope this helps, exercise is essential the benefits are to numerous to mention. Sincerely, Maria
   — Maria H.

November 30, 2003
My daughter is 5'3", started about 10 lbs heavier than you, lost a little over 100 lbs, and looks great. No need for plastics. Good luck.
   — maryd

December 1, 2003
Whether you need plastics or not is a combination of your age (younger is better, so you have that working for you), whether you have had any pregnancies (none is best), how long you were overweight (longer is not so good) and genetics. So, be patient and hope for the best. I am much older than you, same height and started at 249. I do need plastics....
   — Cindy R.

December 1, 2003
I'm 5'4, 26 I started out at 280 and I'm down to 153. I would say that I don't NEED plastic surgery. I lifted weights 3 X's a week and exercised 6 days a week and drank 3 liters of water a day. However, I would like to have my tummy done. I don't need it, however I think I would look better if I had it done :o) So for you it may be a difference between needing it and wanting it to make you feel a little bit better. Best Wishes~
   — Heather S.

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