I'm getting my Tummy Tuck Monday and I have a question.

I was under the impression that my tt was going to be a bikini scar, like getting a c-section. Now that I went for all my pre-op tests, I found out that it's that and they are re-opening my WLS scar, so they can tighten my muscles. Now im scared! I could care less about the scar, WLS already gave me a nice big one and it does'nt bother me, but now I know im going to be alot more pain than I thought, so im wondering just how bad is it and is it worth it? I am so excited though :o) Thanks!    — Sandy M. (posted on January 21, 2004)

January 21, 2004
My pain was not bad. I was given a Marcaine pump, though, which was a pump that I wore around my waist for the first three days that had little tiny tubes that went directly into my abdomen to keep me numb, so I didn't feel much. You just throw away the pump when it has used up all of the medicine. For me, the drains (which are so bothersome) were more of a hassle than the pain. I had two drains in the pubic area, and one drain in each buttock. (I had fat and skin removed all the way around me.) Whatever pain you do feel, will be immensely worth it. You will be very glad you had this done. I had 5 pounds of fat and skin taken off the front, and 3 pounds taken from the side and back of my waist. (So my scar goes around me in a complete circle.) This surgery was easier for me than my RNY and my c-section, pain-wise. Granted, you walk around funny for a while, but it's not bad. My back hurt from having to walk hunched over for a week, and that pain in my back was worse than the pain from the surgery. My experience wasn't bad. Hope this makes you feel better! Best wishes! Raye
   — raye

January 21, 2004
I had a full abdominoplasty that was just a hip to hip incision with all the muscle tightening, They removed 5 pounds of skin from my stomach. The pain was minimal - a 3 on a scale of 1 to 10. I was up walking the next day. It was one of the easiest surgeries I've had.
   — Patty H.

January 21, 2004
BTW, I just happened to look at your profile and you were only 15 pounds heavier then me. Unless you carry a LOT of fat and skin ABOVE the belly button, there isn't any reason for the T incision to be done for an abdominoplasty. A lot of Plastic Surgeons feel it's necessary because you used to be fat. I would check with another doctor before I had this done. You might be getting more scars then you need.
   — Patty H.

January 21, 2004
I had an extended TT done and yes, it was totally worth it! My scar goes almost all the way around me on the hips and he revised my WLS scar down to practically nothing and barely noticable. I had alot of fat above my bellybutton and it took care of it. The pain wasn't that bad for me but I have also never had kids. It also depends on how much muscle tone you already have. I was 'built' according to my Dr. On a scale of 1-10, I was a 3 for the amount of tightening he had to do. I was back to work at a desk job in 2 weeks. For me the pain wasn't as bad as the WLS but everybody is different. Email me at [email protected] and I'll email some pics to you.
   — Kris T.

January 21, 2004
I'm not sure I'd say it was more pain -- but I will tell you I had a long recovery. It took me a lot longer to bounce back from the tummy tuck than the RnY -- close to a month before I felt like myself... I won't say that its really painful, although the muscle stuff is hard -- its different kind of pain. I had an extensive TT, with the tightening and anchor incision, which is what it sounds like you're having. <br><br>It was worth it -- two times over. I was wearing a size 14/16 when I had it, and I'm wearing a size 10 these days. I ended up at goal after it was all said and done, almost 30 pounds lighter and that was GREAT. I was afraid I'd struggle for the last ten pounds. Its worth it, almost anything is worth it. But please know, it was not a picnic for me, although sometimes in my reading it seemed like a picnic for others. I'm not always sure they had the same procedure I did. I personally think you're having the right thing. You will be very happy with it -- though not right away. *grin*
   — Lisa C.

January 21, 2004
Oh, I would have to say it was more pain but certainly worth it. I had belt lipectomy (abdominoplasty but with the cut ALL around front and back). The gastric bypass 15 months ago was a piece of cake. I am now 4 and a half weeks past the plastic surgery. Still a slow recovery. But, I am not giving up. The end always justifies the means.
   — Steve B.

January 21, 2004
I do have a really saggy stomach. I lost 103# my first 6mo, then 30# the last 6mo and I had 3 kids back to back, that's why I need the skin taken off above the bellybutton too, it's not a large hanging skin fold, but the Surgeon said it is all skin and no fat, so it all needs to come off with the muscle tightening too. It is so squishy and bunched up that my kids even play with my tummy everytime they walk by me lol, I think they think it's playdo. Thanks for answering!
   — Sandy M.

January 23, 2004
Sandy, I am having double hernia repair and panniculectomy on Monday too! God be with us both. I am having a bikini cut from hip to hip. I don't know how flat my tummy will be because of the hernia repair. Sigh. I wonder what will happen to my old rny scar? God bless you and may both our surgeries be very very uneventful and recovery quick! Yours in Fairmont, WV
   — Mylou52

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