Anyone Else Have PAIN From Drain Tubes After TT?

I had my TT Monday and my drain tubes(I have 3), are hurting so bad, im talking lots of pain and eating my vicodin like candy b/c of these drain tubes. My tt itself is not even bothering me other than the burning feeling from the incisions(hip to hip & breast bone to end of pubic & muscle tightening). Is this normal? After WLS I had 1 and they took it out day #4 before I went home and these here im not sure when they come out, but I don't even see my Surgeon until next Thursday. Maybe they are getting infected, they are red, but im on antibiotics and I clean and change them every few hours. Needing comfort tips please, thank you :o) I feel like I had drain tube surgery lol    — Sandy M. (posted on January 31, 2004)

January 31, 2004
Last Saturday was a whole year since my lower body lift - all the way around. I had foru drains, two right at the top of my pubic area and one on each hip. The two at the pubic area created terrible discomfort, and yes, pain. In my recovery it was those two drains that made me cry almost every day. When my doc took those two out - he waited 'till the next visit to remove the others - I couldn't have been happier. When is your first follow up visit? Mine was within days of being released from the hospital. Make sure to mention it to your surgeon. Good luck!
   — PaulaM

January 31, 2004
Hell yeah! 3 weeks post-TT here. I had 2 drains, didn't come out until 11 days post-op. I hate to say it but the pain got worse the more time went by. It was a helluva relief to get them out. Then at 2 1/2 weeks post, I developed an infection and 3 holes opened along my incision line. So I'm back on the antibiotics and am taking it easy. Whatever you do, DON'T OVER DO IT!!! Take care of yourself! It hurts now, but time will heal!
   — Laura S.

January 31, 2004
I had six drains. I had them in for a month to six weeks. My plastic surgeon said the longer they were left in the more likely you were to heal better. I also 8 my pain killers like they were candy. The good news it is the pain did not last as long as the W L S. S soon as my drains were removed I was back to in my yoga again. I'm sure you are going to feel better soon and I hope that everything works out the best.
   — Robert L.

January 31, 2004
They get dry, you can buy Dermaplast, which is a spray that cools and makes the area not be dry. Good luck I know they suck. I had mine for a little over 3 weeks YUCKY! Trust me it gets better!
   — Stephanie B.

January 31, 2004
Yes, my drain tubes hurt as well. I didn't get to get them removed until they drained less than 30 cc per day each. How much are yours draining? I think the worst part of the surgery was the drain tubes, not the surgery itself. I just tried to not move - the more I moved, the more they hurt.
   — raye

February 1, 2004
Sandy, I had my surgery same day as you and my 2 tubes fell out on their own. One while in the hospital and the other the day I came home....Wednesday. I asked my surgeon and he says not to worry, they can't be put back in, and seromas do not necessarily result after the tubes fall out. I am very sore and swollen but no oozing yet. I have a couple of ???? for you or anyone. I read your profile and it said you had two morphine tubes still in. What is that? Man, wish I could have something stronger than percocet for pain. I am taking my percocet but will be out on Monday evening and they act like it is a big deal to get a refill. This pain is bad. I keep getting coughing spells and oh my that hurts so much. I think the hernia repair is what is bothering me the most as my entire rib cage is extremely sore. I am going to post another question on TT and belly buttons. Thanks to all of you guys for support. It is so vital to help everyone get through. God bless !!
   — Mylou52

February 1, 2004
when i had my drainage tube from my GBS i was in the worst pain ever!!1 My doc told me it was because the tube had "wrapped" itself around a muscle and the pain was mainly from muscle spasms and the burning was from the nerves. Stay still as much as possible!! the worst part for me was after it was out, it caused a hematoma (sp?) and i had to go back in the hospital for pain management (demerol is the best :-) ) and my doc gave me a local where the incision was so it could heal... just watch what you do, dont do to much moving if possible till they are out. good luck - i know my experince with the WLS has made me think i will NOT be getting the TT after :-)
   — Jan P.

February 1, 2004
I had a self administerd pump in a hip sack that had 2 caths that went inside my stomach and when the pump was empty (early day 4) I had to pull the caths out, since he did not stitch them in. That helped alot with pain plus being on vicodin. I also noticed today that 1 of my drain tubes is infected, just like I thought it was getting, it is oozing puss Ewwww, now I can deal with that and the pain. I will have to call my Surgeon tomm. Thank you so much for the help :o) I actually feel a little better today.
   — Sandy M.

February 1, 2004
I have another question, do you gain weight after a tt? My scale said 150 and I weigh 134-139 pretty much. I already gained weight and had to lose it, but not even that much. When I got home the scale said 143 and I have'nt even been eating that much since my tt. Thanks!
   — Sandy M.

February 1, 2004
You're going to flutuate as far as water and swelling goes... you're not too likely to gain weight.. a few pounds of water though is not unusual... I'm sure...
   — Lisa C.

February 1, 2004
If there red and hurting it sounds like you may have an infection. I would call your PS and ask that he see you ASAP. The last thing you want to have is an infection.
   — Patty H.

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