2 weeks post-op eating pureed (soft) foods - how much food?

I can't say that I am ever hungry, but neither am I stuffed by food post op. I have been sticking to my doctor's recommendation for 2 oz of meat and a quarter cup of veggies at a meal, and I have lost 15 lbs in two weeks, but I don't get a really full feeling from that amount of food. So this evening I tried to gauge what being full would feel like. For dinner I was able to comfortably eat 8 oz. of cottage cheese and 1/4 cup applesauce without problem. I stopped the test then, although I only felt relatively and not completely full. Having done that, I am just comfortably full. I discontinued drinking water 15 minutes before eating, and did not drink anything afterwards for about 1.5 hours. I "burped" a small amount of air and then felt fine after finishing my meal. I have never been nauseated from eating or drinking anything post op. Could I have an enlarged stoma or is it too early to tell?    — Deborah L. (posted on March 9, 2004)

March 9, 2004
You know, I'd be a little more careful with the newness of your pouch. It is still healing and 'learning' to function. You probably still have little to no stomach sensation becasue you are so newly post op. IMHO, you shouldn't be eating 8+ oz in one sitting, even if you can, at this stage of the process. I didn't get the 'full' feeling for quite some time. Probably more like 2 to 2/12 months. When I ate, I just measured and ate the amount I was supposed to and then stopped. I wasn't hungry , so it didn't matter. Anyway- that's just my advice. Follow your Dr's order closely. If they say not more than X oz at a time, then do it. If they don't say, then get some better instructions/guidelines before you do any damage to your pouch.

March 10, 2004
I didn't learn the sensation of fullness until I started solid foods last month. The sensation is different than before surgery- more like lower chest pressure. I would be careful with food quantities though right now since your new pouch is still healing- wouldn't want to hurt anything. Good luck to you, Susan
   — Susan F.

March 10, 2004
I have to agree with the poster below. You're not going to get the "full" sensation while you're still on soft or pureed foods. It's a whole different ballgame once you switch to solid foods, trust me. She also described the full sensation very well; it will feel different now, much higher up in your chest and quite uncomfortable.
   — sandsonik

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