Am I already a failure?

I am pre-op and do not have a date yet. It will probably be between 4 to 7 more months. I have tried having only protein shakes but I get so HUNGRY! Right now I have a shake for breakfast and my regular lunch & dinner (not always the healthiest!) I have gone from NO exercize to 10 minutes a day. I am hoping that when I get a date I will be spurred into following the plan better. Do I have a chance?    — Shrinking M. (posted on April 15, 2004)

April 15, 2004
Dear Mary, Here is a little tip to make the shake more filling. Put 6 ice cubes into to blender and crush them. Add to that the shake. Then puree for at least 3 minutes. It will look and feel like coolwhip and be more filling than anything else that I have ever had. Best of luck, Loriann
   — Loriann J.

April 15, 2004
At least you are begining to start now. I had great fattening food up until the day before surgery, and didn't exercise anymore than moving around daily. After surgery, those first few weeks were really hard. Now I am 125 pounds lighter and a world of difference happier. By trying to do some of the post - op stuff now, you are getting yourself into good habits.
   — Heather M.

April 15, 2004
At this point it s like comparing apples to oranges. I am 4 weeks post op and could NEVER finish a full protein drink...or any drink for that matter. I get full on 2 sips of water! I could eat a ton pre-op and was CONSTANTLY hungry. Don't worry things change drastically for the BETTER after surgery. --Adele RNY 3-12-04 219/183/126
   — Adele R.

April 15, 2004
Mary, Honey, life before surgery is NOTHING like it afterwards. I remember hearing everyone say that and wanting to believe it, but couldn't until I was on the other side. Trust me, you won't feel hunger the same ever again. At least I don't. It is a mild empty feeling that can actually be ignored, so you feel like you have control. My stomach never growls, and even when I know I am hungry, It still takes me 3-4 sittings to finish a McDonalds grilled salad! Yeah, that's right. And I NEVER ate salad before, LOVE them now. Eating bread and pasta feel yuk in my stomach, kind of sick like. And I gave up on shakes, couldn't tolerate ANY of them, so I didn't. I am great! I was 250, BMI 41. 8 months and 13 days later, 139, BMI 23. Never better, the world truely is a diferent place for me now. E-mail me for on-going support/questions as so many have helped me that have gone before me. Be encouraged, you WILL do fine!
   — Michele B.

April 15, 2004
Mary, if we could stick to that kind of program as pre-ops, why in the world would we need to have surgery? This surgery makes your stomach smaller so you get full on less food. That is the point. You will learn better habits so when the time comes that you can eat more, you will make better choices.
   — mom2jtx3

April 15, 2004
Of course, it's because your tummy is not smaller and what you eat isn't filling and satisfying it. It's not the same as when you get your wls. if it was we wouldn't be having this major surgery.
   — B4real

April 15, 2004
the first 6 months or so after surgery I only felt hungry 1 or 2 times. After that I now get extremely hungry if I do not eat my 5 -6 meals a day. My portions are very controlled by my pouch. However I do still somtimes fall off the wagon on sugars. Yes I dump but not always. the pouch gives you a tool to help you control yor portions but YOU have to contriol your choices, to eat proteins, fresh veggies and fruits, and stay off the sugars. I was scared preop that I would not be able to follow the eating plan, lo and behold I am now 130 pounds lighter. it works!
   — **willow**

April 15, 2004
Mary, you are far from being a failure! Just beginning an exercise program of any sort is a great start! You are showing that you are preparing for the changes ahead. I think you will do great!
   — koogy

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