Having trouble urinating 1 day post op from TT

I just had my abdominoplasty yesterday. I was not catheterized. I've had a lot of trouble peeing. I really feel full and sit down to go and I'm like right at the verge, but can barely go. I have to push it out and I'm not completely emptying my bladder. I go to see my surgeon tomorrow, but anyone else have this problem with any ideas to fix it? I had a catheter after WLS which they took out and had to put back in, so I am assuming it's from the anesthesia, but it sure sucks!! Thanks!    — emilyfink (posted on June 17, 2004)

June 17, 2004
This happens to me after I have anesthesia...if you are allowed to shower warm water on my lower abdomen helps (or maybe a hot water bottle). If you can't do that, just try and relax, it usually eases up quickly
   — Linda 1.

June 17, 2004
I had the same thing happen to me but I honestly believe it was because I was sooooooooo swollen. My whole pubic area and even clitoris and labia were so swollen it was hard to urinate. I found that really bearing down to try and squeeze it out was the best way. It resolved itself after the swelling went down. A lot of people have a hard time urinating though after being under anesthesia because it shuts the body functions down completely and it takes a bit to jump start again.
   — danabky

June 17, 2004
I was told by a nurse to blow gently like your blowing in a straw, or softly blowing out a candle, and that will relax the muscles down there. It worked for me. Good luck!
   — wizz46

June 18, 2004
You don't mention if you're taking any pain meds, but if you are...if it's a narcotic, that could be the problem. I have to take pain medicines every day for some injuries I sustained in a fall 4 years ago. Whenever I take the pain meds, I have trouble urinating for at least 2-3 hours. It barely trickles out even when I feel very full. The narcotics cause the bladder to not contract as well to empty. Also, anesthesia can cause this problem. Call your physician and let them know about your problem. Maybe they can switch meds (if it's that) or explain what might be causing it.
   — Katherine F.

June 19, 2004
I ALWAYS can not pee after general anesthesia. So I ALWAYS request a cather! Anywho, I lived with cathers for nine months when I almost lost my bladder. To make a long story short, after seeing tons of urologists it was strangely a general practiserner who suggested taking a "heart medication" called Cardura. I'd take one before going to bed and it relaxed the spinkter so I could pee. Perhaps you could talk your doc into giving you only a weeks supply. Just enough to get you through this. I've NEVER had any heart problems or needed meds for my heart. So many docs when they heard I took Cardura for alittle while ask what my heart problem is. lol I do not know why the cardura worked or how. But it did. I'd ask your doc for a weeks supply of it. They may not want to if you ask for a months supply, but they may let you have a weeks worth to see if it helps you pee. It was the ONLY thing that helped me after getting my cather removed after nine months. I was in agony and could'nt go.... something about the Cardura relaxed things and "let the pee roll out. Good luck!
   — Danmark

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