I need to have a tooth pulled and was wondering....

what kind of antibiotics I can take? I have a abcessed tooth that will most likely be pulled next week and the dentist is going to put me on something beforehand to clear up the abcess. What kind can I take etc, that won't hurt my stomach? My teeth are falling apart since surgery and while I am dealing with it, I am concerned about what type of antibiotics I should be taking for right now? Has anyone else used any, and if so what? Did you have any problems with them? Thanks, cheryl Arnold    — cherby56 (posted on June 24, 2004)

June 23, 2004
I'm having the same problem, I'm scheduled for a root canal tomorrow morning. Yesterday I woke up and my face was swollen from an infection of that tooth. I called my dentist, he wanted to put me on penicillin. He suggested that I call my surgeon's office first to make sure that was okay. Which it was. I have to take double the amount that was normally perscribed--I take a 500 mg every two hours instead of every 4 hours. Hope this helps.
   — Betsy H.

June 23, 2004
Make sure you also ask about which pain meds you can take. I had a wisdom tooth pulled in February and they gave me codeine. I thought I was going to die from the stomach pain.
   — Yolanda J.

June 23, 2004
I can't take time release meds anymore, however the time release Z-pac works great for me.
   — Danmark

June 24, 2004
I have a heart murmur and have to take antibiotics before any dental work. I take Keflex. My dentist said that I do not need to change after WLS. I have also taken Levaquin and Cipro post WLS and had no problems. Good luck with the tooth!
   — dianne E.

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