I have been overeating for about 10 months now and I am reallt scared.

A lot of things have changed in my life and I am reacting to triggers. Even though I know that I have gained 20 pounds. I never made it to goal. I have at the least been 20 lbs over weight. I am wondering if I should ask for an adjustment or pay for one myself. I can't face going back.    — ShayZ (posted on September 13, 2004)

September 13, 2004
try not to worry am 2 years out I gained 50lbs there are no easy answers I have gone back on atkins and have lost 13lbs. I was on antideppresant that made me gain wieght and they switched the med and now am exercising and dieting to a personal goal which is plastic surgery you should make a good set goal for yourself and do it step by step. but they don't do revisions on surgery I wish they did.
   — sheri B.

September 13, 2004
Hello seems that we can all overeat after we reach a certain point. I've seen many, many posts from people who have let some of the old habits creep back and they started to put on weight but once they went back to the pouch rules, the water, and exercise, the weight came off. I've also seen lots of info about the South Beach diet and that is what I'm using to lose my last few pounds and what I plan to use to keep the weight off for the rest of my life. Personally, I wouldn't ask for a revision unless I was sure I was doing everything I should be doing to lose and maintain. If you're feeling really out of control, I'd suggest a support group, a WLS "buddy" or a counselor. I know I'm not standing in your shoes but it sounds to me as if you know what to do, you just need some help with coping with the changes in your life and how to prevent reacting to triggers and eating too much. Good luck on finding the answer for you. I can totally understand not being able to face going back where we all started.
   — scbabe

September 13, 2004
Shay, You are NOT alone. I had RNY surgery 5/1998 went from 243/130 now I am 154lbs. I have also had some terrible changes in my life. I managed to stay 130lbs for 5 years. I would definetly follow the advise of the other poster as I am going to do the same. Whenever you gain a pound or in our case 20lbs or so, go back to the basics. Start as if its your first day on this diet, eat what you ate those first months, take vitamins and exercise. In fact, exercise will help us release the unwanted stress in our lives. If you would like to chat privately I would like a pal who I can help and could possibly help me through these tough times. email me [email protected]. Best of luck, Shana
   — shana1569

September 13, 2004

September 14, 2004
Of course- a revision is an option for you if you have a medical malfunction of your surgery. However, if your complications are due to your eating habits...that's another story. I DO suggest you get back in to see your surgeon and activwely participate in the support of this site and in person support throught your surgeon's groups. Alos please seriously consider getting professional help to deal with your self destructive behavior and eating habits. No everyone can 'go it alone' and succeed. Some of us need more help with the permanent life change. We didn't get obeese 'just because' and we won't loose weight and keep it off 'just because' either. There are roots to our behaviors and actions that must be examined and addressed. Good luck to you on your journey.

September 14, 2004
I can relate to this, I'm 3 years out never made it to goal and I've gained 25 lbs this year. I'm really worried becuase I've tried Jenny craig and did not loose and ounce.I 'm so terrified to go back to where I started it seems like a nightmare...
   — Monica J.

September 14, 2004
Shay, you are more than 2 years post-op and have not updated your profile since the earliest days of your surgery. You just have not provided us enough information to help you. What does "never made it to goal" mean? If you have been overeating for 10 months and have only gained 20, thats pretty good. Goodness, I can gain 4 pounds in a weekend! Give me 10 months and I would eat myself back to pre-op days, I'm sure. Unfortunately, unless there is something mechanically wrong with you, and from the sounds of it, you know why you have not lost to goal, then no surgeon will adjust you, self-pay or not. And most of us sweetie have had things happen to us in life that are unexpected and we have run to food to comfort. Those are pre-op emotions and actions. You have to break this cycle and its really not as difficult as you may think. I tell everyone that you have to have a plan. And each person's plan has to be tailored to their lifestyle. For example, I weigh daily and allow myself a 4 pound window-go over and THE PLAN goes into effect. Others have said, I never weigh but if my clothes get tight, they pull out their plan. I have to have sweets every day even if it means cutting back on normal healthy meal eating. I find a way to work it into THE PLAN. Others have said, they have banned sugar permanently because they have no control and cannot have it in the house. If I have to enact THE PLAN, it means adding another work out session a week, from 2 or 3 to 4. No excuses, I just do it. So, try to find the plan that works for you. You know your goal and take it one day at a time. Do it in small bites. Today I will walk around the block one time, tomorrow two times. Next week, I will drink 1 more glass of water and 1 less glass of soda every day. Sometimes doing it one small step at a time is easier to digest than everything at once. Less overwhelming And if you don't have a support group, join one. You are not alone, many, many post-ops struggle with regain. A support system is essential. But I will tell you this, no one can do it for you and there is no easy solution. Its work and committment on your part, but you can do it. When life's triggers hit you, just hit them back and don't let anything get in the way of a healthier you. Good luck. Be strong. And update that profile!!
   — Cindy R.

September 14, 2004
You can't get revised unless you are back to being MO I thought. Why chance severe malnutrition for 20 lbs?
   — mrsmyranow

September 14, 2004
You can get revised without gaining all the weight back IF it is a mechanical failure (staple line disruption in an untransected pouch is one example) AND if your insurance agrees to pay. It sounds like you know what the problem is, you just need help in fixing it, try to find a therapist that can help. Then worry about losing the 20# you gained.
   — Ali M

September 15, 2004
I agree that unless you are having problems, a Doctor will not revise your previous surgery. Even then they will run test such as an EGD or Upper GI to prove there is a physical problem they need to fix. If you don't get a grip on your emotional eating, and believe me I know it's hard, I have had the same problem for years, this will only happen again after a revision. Why would you want to go through major surgery again if that is a possibility. If I were you, I would find a good support group where you live, or enlist the help of the posters on Most are usually more than willing to lend support and they are here 24/7. Best of luck and remember you are not alone.
   — issymudd

September 15, 2004
I am 2 years and almost 2 months post op. I started to gain back weight. I had gained about 17 pounds from my lowest. I did not reach my goal. I decided that I needed to get back to basics. I joined Weight Watchers. The new plan is very basic eating, it has helped me get back into healthy eating and cutting out the junk food. I have lost 9 pounds of the weight I had gained. Hoping to lose more and get to my goal. E-mail me if you need to chat one on one.
   — tulagirl

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