Pregnant after tummy tuck

I'm 29 yrs old with no kids. I'm having a tummy tuck to remove all the loose skin after my weight loss from WLS. I do want kids in the next couple of years, has anyone had the tt then got pregnant? Was it safe? How long did you wait? I was told to wait til after I have kids but I would rather have tt now to make me feel and look better. I have alot of loose skin and feel it couldnt be this bad after having a baby.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on November 30, 2004)

November 29, 2004
Dear Dorlisa, Your decision to have the TT make sense, to feel and look better after your WLS. However, having a TT prior to having children may lead to the need for another TT after you have had your children. Your skin will stretch significantly and your rectus abdominal muscles will probably separate during pregnancy. You will probably develop many stretch marks during your pregnancy after the TT. It is generally not recommended to have the TT prior to pregnancy for these reasons, as well as the potential cost of two operations. I hope this information is useful. Joshua Kreithen, M.D. Lakewood Ranch Plastic Surgery, Bradenton, FL [email protected]
   — Joshua Kreithen, M.D.

November 29, 2004
You will hear many things on this issue! I had a TT one year ago, and still plan on having another baby. I had one two years prior to my TT, as well. I was in contact with a woman who accidently got pregnant 4 months after she had her TT done, and her pregnancy went well. She said that her stomach is not as tight now, of course, but she had no adverse side effects. My PS said that he would rather me wait too, but I was so sick and tired of that extra fat and skin. My PS did say that there was a higher chance of developing a hernia though, by getting pregnant after a TT. However, none of his patients (3 that I know of) that got pregnant after TT had any problems with hernias. Anyways, I'm now one year post-op TT, and I'm thinking about trying maybe this summer. E-mail me if you have any questions!
   — raye

November 29, 2004
Hi , I had a TT 6 years ago and WLS this year. My doctor told me I had to wait 3 years for a safe pregnancy.I had muscle work so it took a while to heal internaly.All the Best!Tracey
   — traceybubbles

November 30, 2004
Well I'm 33 years old and I had WLS in Aug 2002. I had my tummy tuck in June 8, 2004. I was pregnant 3 weeks later to my surprise. This is my first child and I am very happy. When I told my PS she said everything should be fine. By the time my stomach starts stretching I will have healed some. I will be 6 months on Sunday and my belly in sticking out now. I'm have gained 12lbs so far also. I fear the weight gain more than the lose skin. The scale is a nightmare for me now. I just dread getting on it. Otherwise I'm doing good and things are well so far. The baby is growing and I'm having no complications so far. BTW, I'm having a girl.
   — Janine O.

November 30, 2004
When I went for my consult for a TT about a yr and a half ago, I was pretty certain I didn't want kids. In addition to the TT, I was also considering a breast lift with inplants. The surgeon explained that if I did get pregnant afterwards that I would probably do some damage to the tt and may require another one, and also that because of the type of reconstruction he would need to do to my breasts, that I would NOT be able to breast feed. It was actually the part about not being able to breast feed that made me put the whole works on a yr and a half later, I'm preggers :) 2.5 mo's. and have decided that I will get my plastics done, *if* I can manage to loose the pregnancy weight and keep the weight off for a few yrs! I'm going to splurge and get the body I never had (even when I was 18, I'm 34 btw). Just my take on wishes for whatever you decide. Kim open RNY 7/17/01 282/151/135 (<----goal after baby) Kim
   — KimBo36

November 30, 2004
You must have read a lot of things as responses to your question here. If I can summarize, you will definitely stretch again after a pregnancy, but it won't be dangerous, healthwise. It would, however, compromise the result of a TT to some degree. I would say, if you can afford to do it again after you are done having children, give it a shot. You are young and may not stretch as much as someone who is older. I would not be able to afford self-pay, and relied on my insurance paying for the surgery. I knew, at age 47 I was done having children. My sister, also a post-op, is 34, and has decided to wait to get her TT until after having children, eventhough that is not in her immediate future. Good luck!!
   — Fixnmyself

November 30, 2004
My sister-in-law (she is 32) had a TT 2 yrs ago & a yr later she found out she was pregnant. She never wante kids. She only gained 20 lbs during the pregancy. She lost all of the weight afterwards. Her stomach is now all saggy again!! She lost 190 lbs without the aid of surgery or pills. Please reconsider having TT after you have kids. The more kids you have the more your muscles & skin will stretch. Just think of the pros & cons before deciding.
   — yellow T.

December 1, 2004
I have heard of some people just having a pannilectomy (sp?) - the extra skin removed - , then after having children getting a full TT. Maybe this would be an option for you. Best of luck to you!
   — lauralye82

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