For anyone who had/has PCOS and has had WLS:

If you have Insulin Impaired PCOS and are/were treated with Glucophage or Metformin prior to surgery I am curious to know if you had to continue taking it after surgery. If yes, was the dosage able to be reduced? I am currently on 1500mg a day with diet and much exercise that is barely maintaining 260lbs on my 5'4" frame....that's why this surgery is so important to me. It's my last real option. Thanks For Everything!!!!!!!1 Rachael    — Ravenwulf (posted on June 20, 2005)

June 20, 2005
Rachel, I have PCOS and just had surgery on June 1st. I have not taken the glucophage since surgery and am doing fine. I have lost 50lbs since I signed up for this surgery in March and it has regulated my period so much!! Prior to the weight lose I was getting a cycle maybe 3 times a year. Since the weight lose it has been regular. I haven't noticed near the hormonal swings as I had prior to the loss as well. My surgeon was even nice enough to take a picture of my ovaries during surgery so that I could show my doctor the cyst on the ovaries. This surgery has been so helpful in dealing with all the battles PCOS has to bring!
   — tdphillips9

June 20, 2005
My surgery was November 2004 and I also suffered with PCOS. My cycle has been every 3-4 weeks since the surgery. Big change from 2-3 a year, however I feel much better and my cycles are only a few days long at a time. I stopped taking the Metformin (which I was taking two 500 mg a day) a few days before my surgery. I suffer some "hypoglycemic" momemts if I don't eat enough protein in the am's, but other than that I have no "sugar" problems. I am 5'3" and before surgery weighed about 206 and now down to 130. Everything will work out! Trust your Doctor. Sandy
   — Sandy M.

June 21, 2005
I have had PCOS for years, about two years ago I started taking Atocs. Since my RNY 05/05/05 I have had two peroids. One three days after my surgery, and one a month after that, no meds, I stoped taking then ten days before my surgey. Good luck...
   — Gina W.

June 23, 2005
I was instructed to take my metformin normally, the last dose being the morning of the surgery (06/15/05). The doc told me to hold off on it after surgery, so I haven't had it in eight days. I haven't seen him for follow-up yet (appt.'s tomorrow), but I am already in the middle of my first "natural" (non-birth-control-induced) period in about 13(!) years. (I was on 500 mg twice a day with insulin resistance, not diabetes, a PCOS patient.)
   — jdurant

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