constipation helped by RNY??

Embarrassing question, but I have chronic, long term constipation that my GI doctor cannot explain after multiple colonoscopies, etc. Anyone had experience with RNY improving this situation? My bariatric surgeon thinks it will improve, but would love any input you guys have. Not looking for medical advice, just practical experiences. Thanks.    — gail J. (posted on June 22, 2005)

June 22, 2005
I had the same problem with constipation . . . I had surgery in January of this year and have had no problems AT ALL with that since then. Of course, my doctor has told me many times, "everyone is different . . . but the chances are very good that this surgery will help". The only issue I've noticed to date is when I eat "diet candy" . . . the sugar alcohol (if you have too much) attacks your system, causing major gas and diahrea . . NOT GOOD!!
   — JERRI W.

June 22, 2005
You may want to check out the DS. My hubby had the surgery to get rid of his diabetes and it also got rid of his chronic constipation.
   — PattyL

June 23, 2005
hi there I too suffered fro constipation and im now 8 months out. At about 7 months out i started eating more fruits and low and behold every day or second day RELIEF. It used to be the only way i could get relief was to take an exlax and wait a day. I used to do that once a week weh i got soo bloated and my tummy used to hurt that i was forced to do this. I was prescribed colace a stoll softner but that didnt help. I think it was the fruits as that is the only ting i do differntly now i snack on fruits...strawberries blueberries bananas ohh and water im drinking more water hope it gets better soon
   — deborahdgale

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