Reacurring boils

Does anyone else suffer from these pust filled things. They usually appear in the groin and armpit area. If you suffer from it has it gotten better after weight loss    — isha kin (posted on August 3, 2005)

August 3, 2005
Before wls I frequently had flareups with hs but didn't know about the disease then. I would have boils in armpits & groin area. Since wls 5-03 I have only had a flareup one time in the groin area & it was not as serious as before.
   — Patricia D.

August 3, 2005
Have you been checked for diabetes?
   — WendyNVA

August 3, 2005
My gosh, yes, i have suffered from HS for a long long time. This is my main reason for wanting the surgery so badly (im scheduled 8/29) I have heard nothing but great things about this getting rid of these terrible abscesses. I too have had them under my arms, groin, stomach, and i used to get them under my breast until i had a reduction. Now, the loss of skin from that area has made a huge difference and havent had one since there!!! Mine are so large (golf ball size), and so painful that i can barely wear clothing during outbreaks. I wish you the best of luck with this as I too am hoping for this to be my resolution.
   — drshayy

August 3, 2005
I have suffered from the boils you talk about for most of my life, I had WLS on December 7th,2004 and I can tell you It don't get rid of them BUT they do get smaller and not as bad. I have lost 100 pounds to date and although I still get them every now and again I have found if I use Dial Lavender and Oatmeal soap it has been less and less I am getting them. Lavender is a natural antibotic when applied to the affected area it will help. Good luck to you on your journey and I can tell you WLS has made a wonderful difference in my life as I hope it does yours.
   — slpyeyed

August 3, 2005
I use to have it all the time....since surgery I have not had one yet and I am 13 mos. Lets hope my luck continues!
   — dcox94

August 3, 2005
I am terribly scarred from the boils I used to get. Ever since surgery I no longer get them. I am a lot more active now and I think that helps cuz I am not just sitting around on my butt lol. Stormy 346/272/151
   — Stormy71

August 4, 2005
I had them on under the arms, breast, rolls of fat and in my private area so bad that I do have some scarring. Since losing 145lbs I only get them in the places the sun don't shine. Sometimes I can hardly sit. I believe they are called sebatious cysts....a blockage of a sweat gland or hair folicle that becomes infected. Sqeezing only makes them worse and causes scarring. I've found that soaking in a hot bath of epsome salt water helps lessen the duration and inflamation.
   — boonikki29

August 4, 2005
Hi, Have you seen your doctor about these? I used to work for a dermatologist and he had several patients with this problem. He put them on a low dose of antibiotics to prevent/lessen the severity of the problem. If they are really bad, your doctor may be able to drain them for you. Best wishes, Sid
   — mrsidknee

August 4, 2005
I went to the Dermatologist for years for various skin problems and the boils/pus pocket, "zit" resembling sores sound similiar to Ecsema. Its a skin condition that even skinny people get, and when you touch the pockets, or squeeze them they hurt. Doc told me to use Gentle - low sudsing soaps (Cetaphil and baby products work well too), lotions, detergents, etc. He prescribed Ultravate Ointment or Cream for breakouts, which allevated the duration.
   — C-There

August 4, 2005
A Dr. visit for a groin and several chin boils was where the discovery was made that I had diabetes, I lost about 10 lbs, regulated my blood sugar and I haven't had one since... Good Luck!
   — ladyanji

August 4, 2005
I think these little things that are filled with old blood and pus are caused from your skin rubbing together or rubbed by clothing. And if this is what you have I'll bet they will be less of a problem once you lose weight. It's not eczema I know that.
   — Miss KJ

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