Has anyone NOT experienced hair loss with wls surgery????

Has ANYONE NOT experienced hair loss?? Can we all have the details if you had surgery and didn't have hair loss??    — jennifer H. (posted on December 26, 1999)

December 26, 1999
I didn't/don't, and I've lost 70+ pounds in the 60 days since surgery. Not big on daily vitamin compliance either. I have no craving at all for sweets, or to sweeten things, including nutra-taste/clones. But I -do- use butter on my (1/4) grilled cheese sandwich, or on my english muffin. For a snack/meal I even put a little bit of butter between two slices of mozzarella cheese. Post-ops eat so d*mn little anyway, add some fat to your diet. I sat next to an anorexic college student at Thanksgiving -and- Christmas, and ate LESS than she did; but I had dark meat with real gravy, and pumpkin pie with real whipped cream... And I didn't even burp (or worse, or a lot worse) once.
   — blank first name B.

December 26, 1999
I didn't start losing any hair until I was at the 3 1/2 month timeframe. I thought I'd done so good! Now....that's a different story! I'm 5 months post-op and everytime I wash my hair it comes out like I've put a thinning comb in it!!! Needless to say, I don't wash my hair every day! The doc says it will come back that they're really not sure what causes this to happen. My vitamin/mineral levels are fine!
   — [Anonymous]

December 30, 1999
I am now 14 months post-op, and have lost 235 pounds. So far, I have experinced no hair loss. In fact, the only thing I have experienced so far is a slight infection in the incision site one and a half months post-op. NOTHING ELSE!!!! I have had NO food intolerances, NO vomiting, NOTHING!!!!!!
   — Paul P.

November 16, 2000
I know you posted this question a year ago but I was looking up questions about hair loss to see if anyone has NOT lost their hair. I am almost 5 1/2 months post-op, have lost 80 pounds, and so far have not lost any hair. I keep checking and waiting and worrying but maybe I will not lose it. Hope not!! I TRY and get in my protein of 60 grams but I will admit I do not get it in every single day. I take a multi vitamin, 2 Caltrate, daily and liquid b-12 twice a week, that's it.
   — Deania W.

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