I had a big liposuction procedure (32 litres) which turned out to be a nightmare.

am left with a lot of deformity and discomfort (lumps, hard spots, ugly appearance) in time if I loose weight on my own will this deformity get better or can it only be corrected with another procedure? Please Help!! How do I deal with my sense of hopelessness...    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 2, 2000)

February 2, 2000
After my first surgery I had liposuction to my tummy,legs and then had my arms and tummy tucked. That was when I was about 175 pounds. I regained weight up to 208 pounds and had to have a re-do to a RYN. After the lipsuction to the arms and tummy, these held up great and my stomach is still as flat as a pancake. The legs, on the other hand, what a nightmare. Right after the lipo,I was 175 pounds, they sagged and now at 140 pounds I have terrible sagging legs. No amount of exercise will fix this (per the plastic surgeons). The only thing that can be done is a "leg lift" which the doctors DO NOT recommend because it is a very painful/delicate surgury. I have indents and lumps from the lipo and they have only gotten worse with the weight loss.
   — Renee C.

February 2, 2000
This is not a answer, but a question I want to know how much weight did you lose? I am asking this question because my sister is getting the same surgery on Friday and I just told her about your experience, and she is really afraid right now. Who did your surgery? My e-mail address is [email protected] can you please respond right away. Thank You Very Much.... And I am truly sorry.
   — Lisa L.

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