I am 7 months post op and stuck at 250lbs,,,help , i don't want to fail this!

I started at 370lbs I am 7 months post op, from a proximal rny. I have been 250 for 6 weeks. I am so afraid this will stop working or that maybe i popped a staple or something. is getting under 200 possible starting at 370? thanks.    — [Anonymous] (posted on April 30, 2000)

April 30, 2000
I sure hope that you won't be stuck at 250!! (I was like you and started out at 375, now down to 285 at 15 weeks post op). There are many reasons to be stuck at a plateau and almost universally people say to drink more water and exercise aerobically. There are a lot of helpful tips in the database of this site; you just have to type in plateau and you will see a lot of suggestions to kick in the weight loss again. As an aside, I guess patience is the hardest thing but seems that most people do eventually pass that plateau menace!!!! Hang in there!!
   — Fran B.

April 30, 2000
I know its hard not getting discouraged but plateaus are a normal part of the weight loss process. You've lost 120 lbs and your body probably needs some time to adjust. When I lost 100 lbs at my 5th month out I stopped losing. For a month and a half I lost nothing and fluctuated between 215 and 220 lbs (I started at 315). Just in the last week my weight loss picked up again and I just hit 210. One thing Im going to work harder on is getting my water and exercise in. Ive been really bad with both of those which may have lengthened the plateau period. Dont let plateaus get you down. The way I look at it is that Im down 100 lbs and for once in my life Im not gaining it back. The rest of what needs to be lost can be slowly but surely chipped away. You'll get there eventually but its to be expected that after the 5th or 6th month things are going to slow.
   — Rita O.

April 30, 2000
I just got off of a 5 week plateau also. It seems lke everyone is comming off of a plateau. I have lost 134 lbs in 11 1/2 months. I started at 493 lbs. and am now down to 359 lbs. I just try to take it one day at a time. I have to shoot for short goals. My next one is 349 lbs. Then I will be under 350 lbs. If I try to set a goal for 100 lbs at a time I would be frustrated all the time, so I go for 25 lb goals. It seems to be easier. ~Shanon Matheny~
   — Shanon M.

April 30, 2000
I think it was just the month of April :)!!! By looking at a majority of posts, it seems as if we are breaking from our plateaus!! I know i did not lose a pound in April and I got on the scale this morning and BAM--10 lbs gone!!!
   — Kari G.

May 1, 2000
Thank God for everyone here. I am also on a plateau (or am headed for one). I lost 36 lbs in my first month post-op, and then only 6 in the next 3 weeks. I was getting so depressed. I know rationally, that I DID have this surgery. It's not a mirage... and that by all rights, I am starving myself in comparison with how I was eating pre-op. It's hard to reckon with, but I know that it's inevitable that the weight will come off again. It will be slower than at first, but it will come off. This is true for both of us. I will keep you in my thoughts! We'll get there...
   — lisadiehl

May 10, 2002
I am 9 months post op. I stopped losing 2 months ago. For the past 2 months I stayed the same weight. I went from 258 down to 180 lbs. My goal is 160 lbs. I'm not very good at drinking all my water or exercising or watching my calories so I figured I would have to do that to continue losing. Anyway, last week I began losing again and lost 3 more lbs without even trying. My body came off of the plateau by itself. Just think how well I would have done if I followed the instructions. I know I was eating too much but now for some reason I am eating the right amounts. I guess my body is still in adjustment. Just hang in there. Everything will be okay.
   — MARY G.

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