My teeth/mouth feels nasty!

I am one month out- When I first got out of the hospital, I contracted thrush- I have since been treated for it, but since surgery my mouth feels and tastes GROSS. My teeth hurt, like I've drank a bunch of wine and the enamel has been stripped. I cannot figure it out? It could be the protein drinks I drink (I mix with milk)- or the Crystal Lite? I don't eat a whole lot of real foods, so I don't think that is the issue. My mouths always feels like "morning breath"... Any clues?    — Karen R. (posted on August 25, 2000)

August 25, 2000
I am about 5 wks post op and I experience the same kind of thing. Especially after I chew the Flintstone's Complete Vitamins each day. My teeth feel like they have gritty stuff all over them. My mouth never feels "fresh" anymore. I am eating real food but was living on Boost Plus for the longest time due to problems post op. My gums are sore. I feel like I need to make a quick trip to see my dentist as soon as I feel stronger. Due to being so ill for the first month post op, I was not able to brush my teeth regularly, either. Maybe this has something to do w/ it. All I know is that it is a very uncomfortable feeling. Sorry I can't be of more help.
   — kathy S.

August 25, 2000
I DID NOT drink wine, I repeat- I have NOT drank anything alcoholic- I just said it FELT like I had, cause it stripped the enamel off my teeth. I take Flinstone's too, could this be the culprit?
   — Karen R.

August 25, 2000
I went through the same thing 1-2 months post op. At that time I had read several good postings about the cause behind it which you can look up (I can't remember the reason offhand - something to do with ketosis). Anyway, the nasty taste will eventually pass!
   — Paula G.

August 25, 2000
Don't you love it when people mis-read your post, then feel obligated to send you personal emails about the error of your ways? Anyway, I know what you mean about the taste in your mouth. I've become a flossing/brushing fanatic. It's not really a bad breath problem, it's just that my teeth feel dirty. It's usually not a problem if I brush after eat meal. I just carry an extra brush in my purse. It's not nearly as bad as the dry mouth and halatosis problems I had when I was on phen-fen! That was the worst.
   — Maxine E.

December 4, 2002
I know what you mean- I keep checking the front of my Flinstones bottle to see if they're wearing sweaters, because after I take one, my teeth are.
   — happyhappyvern

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