I 've seen two doctors--one transects the stomach, one only staples, which is better?

I'm confused. The first doctor wants to staple, cut, and then sew. The second said that if the stomach is completely seperated, if it leaks, it could kill you, but if it's stapled, the worst is you'll gain weight. Help!    — T. Marie J. (posted on October 25, 2000)

October 25, 2000
Based on my research, transecting reduces to risk of staple line breakdown and the chance of weight regain. This is especially true when the edges are over-stitched to enclose the staples. I chose a surgeon who transects.
   — Nanette T.

October 25, 2000
I did the staple/oversew first. It was what was offered in the olden days. I was one of the lucky ones whose ins paid for a revision, so NOW have a separated pouch. I personally feel VERY strongly about the benefits of transecting. My husband was also NOT transected and he leaked at the stoma post-op and had to be reopened. So, NOT transecting doesn't promise no leaks. Don't be bullied into doing an operation that will likely have to be repeated! Most who suffer SLD don't feel pain, just regain. But I had considerable pain from the letting loose of the acid in that lower stomach. While I DID do this surgery again and I WOULD do it again, I sure don't want to be doing it every time I turn around. The ins hassle is WAY too stressful!
   — vitalady

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