did any of you take phen-fen ?

did anyone here take phen-fen? did it cause you problems like it did me? i ended up with mitral valve damage, and my doctor is talking surgery after i lose the weight.... viola canton    — viola C. (posted on February 14, 2001)

February 14, 2001
Hi Viola I took Phen-fen for two years and it caused aortic valve damage. So far I haven't needed surgery but that may be a possibility in the future. That was BAD STUFF! I wish I had never taken it. Are you in the class-action lawsuit? I also wish I had known about WLS before I had taken Phen-fen.
   — Lorraine L.

February 14, 2001
Yes, I took Phen-Fen for about 8 months. I had an echocardiogram a few months ago, and was told I have an enlarged heart. And my heart is not pumping with enough force. I also have pulmanary hypertension.Both as a result to taking Phen-Fen. I was also told that both would get worse,not better.
   — Stillfat

February 18, 2001
Yes! I took phen-fen for about 1 year! Not only did I basically NOT lose much weight (about 10 lb.s total), but I also did not suffer any permanent heart damage! (thank GOD!) I was also on Redux for about 8 months after the phen-fen!
   — Angela P.

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