Has anyone had a prolapsed(relaxed) uterus?

I just found out I have to have a hysterectomy due to a prolapsed uterus (basically its coming out, yuck!) I am wondering if this is common after having wls. I am 5 months post-op and am down 95lbs. I have read that the condition can be caused by obesity, large babies and other causes. Doc is wanting to do surg vaginally. Wondering if it would be better to cut open, given all the rearranging we wls people have gone through already. thank you for any feedback.    — Gina K. (posted on February 17, 2001)

February 20, 2001
I had a prolapsed uterus and had it removed vaginally. I have not had WLS surgery yet. I found through researching my family prolapse runs in my family.. if its not the uterus then it could be your bladder or colon. I opted for the vaginal procedure because it was less invasive but now worry that it may have been a bad choice as I fear it weakened my tissue and muscles in that area which is now allowing my bladder to fall through! I worry it will never end. I don't know that an open procedure would have succeeded any more however. Perhaps it was just destined to be this way with years of extreme obesity and a pregancy to boot.
   — Dawn R.

April 22, 2003
I had a prolapsed uterus also before WLS and it was done lap, it was the easiest surgery I have ever had. I have not has any problems and it has been over 3 years since my hystorectomy.
   — Julie M.

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