Has anyone had surgery while having CHF with a low ejection fraction

I am 36 year old female with Congestive Heart Failure and ejection fraction of 26 and would like to have surgery. One cardiologist says its ok the other said it would be commiting suicide. Need to know if anyone has gone through this. My BMI is 46.    — Gwen S. (posted on May 16, 2001)

October 17, 2002
Hi, I just had my surgery Aug 26 and my ejection fraction was at 40. I had a hard time initially because my heart rate and blood pressure dropped dramatically. I am now 7 weeks out and have dropped nearly 60 pounds and need some meds adjusted as I am constantly sick to my stomach. I have been weaning off of the cholesterol med and now need other adjustments for my blood pressure and heart meds and thyroid. Soooooooooo it is helping, I just have to get tweaked and adjusted. Lois
   — Lois M.

January 29, 2003
I had surgery on March 18th 2002. My ejection fraction was 30. I had no problems. I am waiting now to have a new echo done to see if it is better now. I have lost 128 pds so hopefully it is better. God Bless!
   — Breakaway_1

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