Any postops have this problem?

I guess this question is twofold. I just wanted to know if anyone else is having problems with severe eczema and also dry eyes post surgery? I never had the hair loss but, I have scabs all over my head (sorry to be so gross) and I also have severe dry eye syndrome (had to have tear duct implants). I had mild dry eyes before the surgery but, now it's epidemic actually. As you all know, I have had many other problems but this is just one new one that I have now. The second part of this question is just a comment actually to all preops. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure that you know as many of the post op problems that might arise before going into surgery. At least you will be prepared for them when and if they happen. If you are anemic beforehand, ask what the long term effects might be. If you had dry skin beforehand, ask about that too. Any minor problems that you might have now, MAY be exacerbated by surgery afterwards. I am NOT trying to scare anyone at all. I just care about you all and want everyone to have a better experience than I have had. Knowing all this might change your decision on which surgery to have. I never say don't have surgery, just to please go into it with very open eyes. I am one of the few people who write about my problems with this because I almost feel an obligation to do so because there are so many successful people writing about the good things. That's great and I am SOOOO happy for them but, there is a down side and people should know that too. I am one of the few who are worse off now than before surgery. Yes, I am thin, but, I am also constantly sick and finding more and more problems every day. If anyone has a nutritional answer to the eczema problem, I would love to hear about it. What is my diet lacking? I eat fats as much as I can tolerate. Possibly, Michelle has an answer. (As you can see, I really admire her answers and feel she is so well versed in all this). If anyone else has had problems after surgery, I would love to hear about it. I feel very alone in all this sometimes. Thanks.    — Barbara H. (posted on June 8, 2001)

June 8, 2001
Thanks for being candid. I am researching this myself and feel that I want to know ALL the possible problems and solutions (and all of the good stuff, too) that I may encounter. My question is right under yours, so if you get a chance, take a peak at it so you can see my concerns do focus on all of the negative stuff, but it doesn't mean I'm opposed to the surgery. Hope you feel better with the exczema. I suppose the doctors have prescribed different creams and you've tried shots? Take care!
   — Mi R.

June 8, 2001
Thanks so much for your post. I am 7 months post op and have had the same things! I havent had a tear duct implant, but I use drops daily. It is due to the fast weight loss and lack of protein. I asked my doctor about it months ago. A man who had his wls reversed due to severe problems, got his soft skin back, tears, and hair too, it must be related to the loss of protein and rapid loss of weight. If you ahve any other questions, feel free to email me, [email protected]. Just keep on applying lotions twice a day and I am sure once the weight loss slows, you and I will feel better.
   — LISA K.

June 8, 2001
I've had problems w/ out surgery and know that personally when I keep my water drinking up it helps a ton. Its not easy to get a lot of water in but I wonder if it would help some if you could increase it.
   — [Anonymous]

June 8, 2001
I am scheduled for surgery next month, however, I have decided to do the Lapband. I will be a self pay since my ins does not cover any type of this surgery.(a year long battle with legal representaion). There are multiple reasons for chosing the lapband. It is ulike the old VGB that had failure rates long term. Since it is adjustable, you can compensate for the inevidable pouch stretching by having a "fill" to make the opening smaller again. They have been using the swedish type since 1984 and the Lap-band since 1991. The overall success rate long term is 65-80% excess wt reduction. I will be happy if I lose 65% of my excess wt. I am not looking into this to be skinny, healthy for life is my goal. That brings me to the biggest reason I decided against the RNY. I am in the medical field, work with the premies for 20 years, and one of the complications arrising from prematurity is the loss of some of the bowel. I have seen the toll long term, chronic malabsorption does to the body. It can create a whole host of problems yet to be detected. Also, if you have a history of cancer in your family, be sure you know how they will do GI series on the part of the bowel that has been bypassed. They would have to do some type of invasive procedure to get to the stomach and bowel bypassed, not just an x-ray. The AGB can also be removed very easily if your body does not tolerate the band. I am sorry I have been rambling on so long, but I want everyone to realize that WLS is a BIG STEP, it is for the REST OF YOUR LIFE. If you are 5o years old, what does 30-40 years of malabsorption do to the organs? What if you are younger than that? What if you had to take some life saving medication that is only absorbed in the first 2 feet of bowel? Everyone needs to consider these long term ramifications before you decide if it is right for you. Weigh the pros and cons. Be educated in every aspect.
   — K. B.

June 8, 2001
i also have eczema and i have the scalp problem you mention... i could peel the scalp from my head so the problem was realy bad... i have try different treatments pills and such prescribe by my dermatologist but i find out that what works best for me was a shampoo called NIZORAL it is suppose to be for dandruff problems but it clears up my scabs trouble within a month... you may want to try it ...
   — carou1313

June 8, 2001
Are you taking your fat solubles, A, D & E in dry form? You didn't saw what all you have covered, exactly. Got recent labs, inc thyroid & hormone? I'm not medical, of course, but just thinking of the first things. Good old black & white labs.
   — vitalady

June 8, 2001
Michelle, I take very few vitamins over the counter for the very reason that I have talked of before. My body doesn't seem to absorb anything very well. I take a multivitamin, plus I get iron injections (not the B12 but true iron) every week. After a year of this injection thing, my iron is still only 9.3 at this time. As you can see, I honestly don't absorb well for some reason. My eating habits are those of a preop actually. Nothing is left out of my diet at this point except milk. I can eat anything, I DO eat anything, but get hungry within an hour or so because much of what I eat, I hate to say, is vomited. The reason I eat so often is because I can't eat very much at a time. I am talking possibly, 5 french frys before I feel nauseous (sic). I do take serzone (antidepressant) which I know does some drying out and I am trying at this time to change that med. Most of my labs have come out pretty good. Calcium, vitamin D and potassium are "alittle" low but not at all dangerous. All others seem okay. Have not had a thyriod test. What would that be for? As stated long ago, I don't know how much was bypassed in my BPD/DS because that was never entered into my records for some reason. I've had numerous doctors look at them to no avail. I can't figure out why some levels are low and others are just fine. I really need to figure out a solution for this dryness. I thank you, Michelle in advance. You are a Godsend to many of us. After two years, I still turn to you before my local nutritionist because you seem to have more logical answers. Hope the convention in DC went well and was informative.
   — Barbara H.

June 9, 2001
I don't know if you have thyroid problems, but as someone who does, the first thing my doctor asks when I see her is if I have experienced dry skin, dry hair, etc. If so, she immediately tests my thyroid levels and adjusts my medication accordingly. Evidently, the thyroid can have a lot to do with skin and hair condition. As I said, this may not be your problem at all, but it is well worth checking in to. Good luck.
   — Val D.

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