What are the symptoms of a bowel obstruction?

What kinds of tests do they run at the hospital to see if you have a bowel obstruction? Don't worry this isn't for me. My dad had another unrelated bowel surgery and I am asking for his sake since I know someone on this site can help. Thanks    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 23, 2001)

June 23, 2001
Well, for me it was "Severe Pain" in and around the belly button area.. Now, I'm talking SEVERE pain none like I have ever experianced and hope to never have again.. I was a lucky one mine resolved itself (THIS TIME).. Who knows next time may mean trip to ER in surgery...Mine was a kink in the large bowel when I stood up the pain subsided and I was able to have a BM within 30 minutes... Obstructions are nothing to sneeze at very serious stuff. The tests for me were CT Scan and procto scope. Most obstructions are caused from scar tissue or tumors.
   — Victoria B.

June 24, 2001
For me it was the same way. After my Rn-Y I woke up with SEVERE back and Belly button sever i couldn't walk, lie down or sleep sitting up. Morphine didn't even help. I had no pain from the Rn-Y but INTENSE pain from the obstruction. I was also vomitting HUGE amounts of bile, for three days..HUGE I mean buckets. Doc did a CAT scan , and there it was. i had to have a second surgery. I was in so much pain I was BEGGING them to put me under. I agree with Victoria, Bowel Obstructions are NOTHING to fool with.
   — Trisha V.

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