anyone ever look 11 months expecting?

I had lap RNY in April of 99. I lost weight wonderfuly! Off and on I would eat something and I'd swell up like a ballon. Now , two years post it happens more and more often. It doesn't matter if the food is a "gas" food ,it doesn't matter how small or large the amount I eat. Off and on there is sharp pains just below the belly button area,kind-a to the left of it and down some. Then there are times when the pain bends me double and lasts for two or three days. Just below the left rib area and at the same as before at the bottom of the belly button.Am wondering if maybe there is "two problems" somethings going on in there ? I look as if I am 11 months expecting ,REALLY! My own mother asked me one day if I was!! lol. I used a doctor in Ga for surgery but due to lack ins. coverage I have made an appt. with Dr. Husted in Nashville Tennessee.I have heard alot of good about this doctor but am scared to death because I fear surgery and know he doesn't do lap. I'm leaving today for Nashville but will check back for posts on this before I leave . Any ideals on what this may be or on the doctor I picked would help alot. Thanks and God Bless all.    — sarah2cu (posted on June 25, 2001)

June 25, 2001
Hi! This happens to me ALL the time. I was hospitalized a month ago because of this, and low potassium. They did an Upper GI, CT Scan, and EGD. The only things they found is that my intestines look like a long balloon that is twisted in several places, and ballooning out after these areas. On the UGI, everything travelled so fast from my mouth to my colon. They were amazed how fast it traveled. But, they still have no idea why I have pain!!!! It could be strictures and scar tissue cutting off the flow in the colon, or just that things are leaving my stomach so fast without any enzymes, causing pain to my small intestine. They have suggested to put my stomach back together, or put my intestine back to the normal position. That is not an option to me. I take major medicine - Demeral,Soma,Perigoric,and different Colon mobility meds - nothing really works. If I eat, I have pain. If I don't eat, I loose too much weight. I see my surgeon tomorrow. On the phone he mentioned a new med given sub Q. So, I guess I'll be giving myself shots again. I'll let you know what he says, and let me know what your surgeon says. Good Luck --
   — CohenHeart

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