The only thing I drink right now preop is Diet Coke what am I gonna do?!

I know it sounds bad but the only liquid I drink is coffee in the morning and then Diet Coke the rest of the day. I know I am totally addicted to caffeine and cannot imagine having to quit drinking it. Has anyone else had this problem and how was it after surgery? I am scheduled for Lap RNY on September 13th so I think I should do something now but what???    — kristen H. (posted on July 4, 2001)

July 4, 2001
Wow, does this sound like me 6 months ago. When they told me during the consult (12/26/00)that I wouldn't be able to drink carbinated bevs for 6 months, my eyes about popped out. No Diet Coke, what were they, nuts? So I decided I had better see if I could live without it, before the point of no return. I quit that, and all caffine--cold turkey. Hmmm, yes I was a little difficult to live with, or so huuby says (but who listens to him?). And I had headaches. But after a couple of weeks, I was fine. And I knew that I could do it when I needed to. Since I was over the caffine, I stayed off and haven't had any since. My surgery was 4/9, and I'm doing great. Funny, giving up Diet Coke was a harder decision than sweets, even chocolate. GoodLuck, and God Bless.
   — bek4901

July 4, 2001
Kristen, I know that it seems hard to believe this now, but it may not be as much of a problem as you think. A peculiar side-effect of RNY surgery for many patients is the complete turn-around in your "taste buds". For many of us, the foods that we used to crave simply don't interest us at all anymore, and vice-versa. I used to drink a minimum of 2 liters/day of Diet Coke in my pre-op days. I am 15 months pre-op and have probably had Diet Coke only 3 or 4 times since the surgery, and even now I can take it or leave it. No one was more surprised than me when I realized that it simply didn't taste the same anymore! The other important issue will be that your new pouch just won't be able to tolerate all that carbonation for awhile. My surgeon didn't set any time limits on when I could try carbonated beverages, but he did caution me to take it very slowly and reminded me that my first few experiences could be quite uncomfortable. I think that when you take your first "sips" of water post-op, you'll quickly get the picture of how limited the space is in your pouch and you won't be too interested in drinking anything carbonated for awhile! I wouldn't stress too much about this pre-op. The surgery is a "weaning" process all in itself. Just relax and let the surgery do its job....everything else will fall into place :-)
   — Diana T.

July 4, 2001
Kristen, Before surgery I was practically addicted to diet coke. I don't drink coffee so I even drank it first thing in the morning. Like you, I was sure this would be a major problem for me post op. Well, like the other poster said, it's very weird, but I have lost my taste for it entirely. I had no restrictions from my dr on drinking it and I did try it, but it just wasn't the same. Now I am drinking ice tea and water. Also, just so you know, I drank the diet coke right up to my surgery date. I am sure you will do great. Good luck with your surgery. Cheryl
   — cheryl R.

July 4, 2001
I SO feel your pain! Ever since I decided to have this surgery, I've been wondering what I'm going to do about giving up the diet coke. What I've been doing in preparation is to slowly introduce Crystal Light into my drinking day; they even have it in pre-made bottles for you now, so I take them with me to work instead of resorting to the vending machine. I can't drink water at all (it tastes like spit to me!) so Crystal Light is the best I can do. It's funny, you'll find yourself becoming addicted to that as well! Good luck!
   — blank first name B.

July 4, 2001
I also understand what you are saying about all you drink is diet coke, well I was a diet pepsi holic. I would drink a 12 pack a day or more. Since I had the open RNY, I can't drink caffine, it upsets my stoma. I don't even miss it anymore. I am almost 4 months post-op. And down 64 pounds. I do drink diet soda on occasion, but I drink diet 7-up or diet orange, and take the fizz out of it cause the fizz can stretch your pouch. Good luck.
   — [Anonymous]

July 4, 2001
I gave up Diet Pepsi a month before surgery and I was suprised at how easy it was on me, because I too am prone to caffiene withdrawal. I began drinking Diet Pepsi again at 6 months post-op, but a two-litre now lasts me a week rather than a day, and I'm still more inclined to drink water.
   — Allie B.

July 4, 2001
I was drinking a 2 liter PLUS of Pepsi before my surgery. Once I was able to drink something "pop" related, I was drinking semi-watered down Sprite. Two months after surgery, I took a drink of Pepsi and the taste about killed me! It was the worst tasting thing I had ever had since my surgery. If I a MUST drink something with "color", I only have a few drings of Pepsi One. One thing for sure, I don't miss any of the food or drink I was able to have before surgery, not at all!
   — Kevin A.

July 5, 2001
Oh how I understand ! I was addicted to REAL Mtn. Dew, yes bottles of it everyday. I tried to give it up pre-op and switch to Crystal Light but no success. Now I wish I havent even tried pre-op because surgery and post op in the hospital was like an easy detox for cokes !!! Think about it, lots of drugs, you dont feel like eating, etc. makes it easy to not want a coke. I am 3 weeks post op and have had no trouble drinking my water and crystal light, AMAZING, I used to never drink anything but Mtn. Dew.
   — Ronda L.

July 5, 2001
Kristin,you might try alternating caffeine free diet coke and then more of the caffeine free and then slowly go from there to no more at all I drank alot of caffeine free soda and I am now only allowing myself one soda everyother day so that when I do have the surgery it won't be so bad,I have tried the diet snapple, and the crystal light and they are pretty good,I have a problem trying to drink enough water so this is a good substitute for me and I also drink alot of caffeine free ice tea,if you go at it slowly each day I think you will be just fine.
   — Jennie D.

July 5, 2001
Kristen I think it is so funny that 2 of the answers you received are from Dr. Prices Patients. Lol. There is going to be the 1st support meeting at his office on July 9th and this would be a great question for discussion. I drink coffee now more than I use to and on occasion I have a diet coke, but can only get down a few sips before I am satisfied.
   — marlene R.

July 5, 2001
Hi! I am in the same boat, I drink Diet Coke, like it's going out of style. My surgery is for 7-30 and was told that carbonated drinks would be a no-no for a while. I am in the process of weening myself off of them. I still drink at least 3, and i wait until desperation to do so. I have been drinking tons of Crystal light, and sugar free kool-aid in between my few sodas. The best thing to do, is try weening yourself off of the caffeine a little bit at a time, but don't go cold turkey. I have done that before and I felt like I was going to die. Eventually , you probably will notice, like I have, that you don't want to drink the caffiene as much. Best of luck!
   — Carey N.

July 6, 2001
BELIEVE ME!!!! After your surgery the urge to drink that diet coke that you just cannot live without will NOT be as strong as it is right now. I know because I was once an addict of D.C. too. In the hospital I was so thirsty I would have given my right arm for a cold drink of anything. When you are allowed to have something they are very strict so no worries just enjoy that diet coke while you can. I started drinking little sips of carbonated beverages at about three months post op and not one minute sooner. You most likely won't even miss it that much. I can tell you that I notice when I do drink diet or regular soda that my weight loss slows way down I am sure it has a lot to do with all the sodium and sugar when drinking regular. Good luck and God bless!!!Tonia
   — Tonia B.

July 8, 2001
after surgery you really won't have the same cravings as before. before my surgery i drank coke all the time and i was heavily addicted to caffeine, but after the surgery all you really want is water. your stomach reverts back to the basics, so for a while you don't have the cravings that you had before, now the cravings do come back in time, but by then they are easy to handle. i drank iced tea shortly after my surgery and that took care of the cravings, and in fact sometimes it even settled my stomach when it was upset. my advice to you is to drop the diet coke and etc and eat whatever you want because it will be a long time before you can have it again. you don't have to ween yourself now, your body will take care of that post op. it is pointless to deprive yourself now, i ate and drank everything in sight, and i am glad that i did it because a lot of what i ate before the surgery i can no longer eat or drink. for instance, chinese food does not sit well with most people so if you like chinese food eat it now, fast food needless to say does not sit well post op, and quite frankly it doesn't taste as good after the surgery. most foods with spices do not sit well post op nor do sugary drinks. you may have diet coke post op and hate it, i recently had a sip of coke (i am 4 months post op) and it tasted horrible. the same may happen for you so drink up while it still tastes good.
   — Sarah B.

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