Would anyone be interested in beginning an AZ home visit group for those who just had

Would anyone be interested in beginning an AZ home visit group for post-op patients as a support to them and their loved ones? I would be willing to actually drive out and visit families to help out in any way. I have heard of a group that does this already but am unable to find who it is. Please let me know if you're interested. Pam    — Pamela R. (posted on July 7, 2001)

July 7, 2001
Hi Pam I think your Idea is gr8...I am willing to drive anywhere in the AZ area to give my support. You can count on me. please e-mail me with more info... [email protected]
   — rosemary H.

July 7, 2001
Hi Pam, I don't live in AZ but I just wanted to let you know that the idea is fantastic and if I did live there I would certainly give my support. It is a wonderful idea especially for those who live alone. I hope this will be a great success for you. You've given me (and hopefully others) an idea :o)
   — dandjon

July 7, 2001
Hi Pam, this is Irene. Your idea is fantastic. I would be interested in doing that also. Just remember, I am having surgery this Tuesday, the 10th, but I would be more than happy to help post op, those pre-op and thereafter/Thanks/Irene
   — issis

July 9, 2001
I find Arizona very lonely. There are three surgeons here and they only do RNY. I would love to be a part of something that supported all wls'ers out here. I would also be interested in educating PCP's and others about wls and the BPD/DS procedure as well. Mostly though, I would rather help individuals get through the process. So many people are home alone. So many people do not have an angel. Let me know if I can help.
   — Danine N.

June 26, 2002
yes i would like to help out others that are pre op-i would be willing to run errans, cook, light house cleaning ,help look after the children or just and keep them company
   — Brittney L.

September 14, 2003
That sounds like a wonderful thing to do. I live in Phx west/north. let me know.
   — Loretta R.

September 14, 2003
What a fabulous idea. I got so excited, I didn't realize it was for Arizona. LOL. I was almost about to join the group. Something like this would have been a wonderful comfort to me during my early days of recovery. My sis was going to take care of me, but she passed away a week before my wls. Bless ya for coming up with this for those that aren't as fortunate to have friends and family around to assist them post-op. Good luck with this. Rosa
   — Rosa F.

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