If you have an RNY do medicines get malabsorbed after surgery?

I'm concerned about my thryroid, diabetes, anti depressants, allergy meds...    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on August 10, 2001)

August 9, 2001
I can only speak of my personal experience but my answer to the anti-depressants is yes. I have noticed if I take the medication on an empty stomach, it seems to not be absorbed and I get that dizzy sick feeling that the meds aren't working. If I take it with food by burying it in oatmeal or pudding, then I don't get those symptoms.
   — [Anonymous]

August 10, 2001
I can only speak for what has happened to me. Had RNY almost a year ago, they took me off my diabetes meds the day I had the operation and haven't had them since. All blood work is now perfectly normal! As far as allergy meds, I am on claritin reditab which dissolves instantly and I don't have any problems - in fact, I used to take twice as much allergy medications before the surgery. I am also on thyroid and I don't seem to have a problem. Hope this helps.
   — mary ann M.

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