What's up with all the bruising?

I have a friend who is exactly 3 months post op. She is covered in bruises on her legs and has a few on her arms. This is very uncharacteristic for her. The reason I'm interested in this is because I experienced the exact same thing when I was about 3 months post op. Bruises everywhere yet my labs were perfect. Any idea what causes this? I appreciate any info. Thanks!    — ronascott (posted on March 12, 2002)

March 12, 2002
My daughter and I both experienced this "phenomenon" a few months after our RNY surgeries. When we called our surgeon, in a panic, he was not alarmed and suggested that we buy some Vitamin C and take an additional tablet or two, along with our regular multivitamin, for awhile. We did, and the bruising disappeared. I can't explain it, but it worked. We only took the extra Vitamin C for about a month, and now we are both over two years post-op, and the "mysterious" bruising was never a problem after that. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

March 14, 2002
Easy bruising is usually caused by lack of Vitamin C and/or Iron.
   — emilyfink

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