Any tips to get rid of the last 10-15 pounds?

I'm a year out, and have about 10-15 more pounds to lose to get to goal of 120-125...Anyone have any ideas for me? I've thought about going to liquids only, but I'm having a problem keeping my calories up as it is, I think. Any help welcome! Thx, Donna in AL    — Donna S. C. (posted on March 18, 2002)

March 18, 2002
I stalled out at 140 and wanted to get to 130. (Almost there--only 1/2 pound to go!) I upped my protein to 100 grams a day and really reduced the amount of carbs I ate. I am pushing the water and eating 6 small meals a day. As soon as I gave myself this much-needed kick in the butt the weight started trickling down slowly. I think I will probably end up lighter than 130 but it will be slow. That's okay cuz I lost pretty fast for a lightweight. Also don't know if you exercise but that may help. Keep in mind that strength training will build muscle and make you smaller but heavier. Good luck!
   — ctyst

March 18, 2002
I'm a year out and am 46 lbs. from goal. I constantly complained about this until my doctor pointed out that a tummy tuck can sometimes mean a weight loss of 20-30 lbs., based on how much skin is removed. Since I started at 407 lbs. and have since lost 171 lbs., he said I've probably only got about another 20 lbs. of fat to lose and the rest is excess skin. YIPEEE!!! As far as ideas to get through this last 20 lbs., I think persistence is the key. It may come off 1 lb. a month, but as long as you keep up a hefty exercise routine and also watch your carbs, the weight will eventually budge. Heck, it might take 5 years, but who's counting? KEEP YOUR CHIN UP!
   — Terissa R.

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