Anyone doing weight lifting and suddenly CRAVING CARBS?

Hey, I have been doing an extensive weight training program for about two weeks, and now my body wants carbs bad sometimes. Anyone else experienced this, if so, why? does this mean maybe I need more carbs? HEEELPPPP! Thanks, Donna in AL    — Donna S. C. (posted on March 22, 2002)

March 21, 2002
Donna, in the past I have gotten into an extensive WT program and I was always on a high protein, low carb diet when I was. I found that my energy was lower and my body had a hard time increasing weights and endurance when fed only protein. Now, don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of high protein and limit my carbs (esp empty carbs) to this day (I'm 10 mos post op) but I truly noticed a difference between how I felt just doing high protein diet, and how I felt on HP diet once I added WT!!! I would say listen to your body. I had to add some but I just made sure they were good ones! . . .Those with a low glycemic index rather than a high one! Blessings,
   — ChristiMNB

March 21, 2002
Donna~ I'm a certified fitness instructor and someone who works out 5-6 days week, doing both cardio and weights. (Did this as a pre-op, too...been at it for almost ten years now.) <p>Prior to WLS, I ate a balance of protein and carbs (more protein, but still a nice balance.) AFTER WLS, I was eating ALMOST EXCLUSIVELY protein. I was feeling like CRUD while working out and couldn't imagine why except that maybe it was due to having gone back to the gym so soon after surgery (nine days.) <p>At my one month check-up, I was STILL feeling tired and generally lethargic so I talked with my nutritionist and...she told me I needed to eat more carbs (after she reviewed my food log.) Of course I KNEW that the body converts carbs to energy MUCH more easily than it converts protein to energy, but I guess I was just in the "WLS MINDSET" of "all protein, no carbs" and didn't pay attention to my knowledge. Once I started to add some carbs to my diet, BOOM! I INSTANTLY felt better! <p>Don't get me wrong, I still LIMIT my carbs, but I DO eat them...mostly in the form of fruits and vegetables, but once/day I get in some wheat crackers or some potato. I assume you are doing cardio work, also...that may be why you are craving carbs! <p>A book I recommend is "The Body Rx" by Dr. Scott Connelly. He talks a lot about lifting and eating, and although of course WE can't eat the amounts that he recommends, it's still a great "guide" and provides four different six-week lifting workouts to build up muscular strength/endurance and not allow the muscles to become "used to" a particular type of workout. <p>Hope this was helpful! Good luck!
   — Cristie L.

March 21, 2002
I just want to concur with both Cristi and Christi, yes, you do need to add a few more carbs when you are worikng out. Same thing happened to me, and I usually get about 65- 150 grams per day, as my body definately told me I needed them once I started a heavy duty workout routine. Your body has a way of telling you what it needs. I get my carbs from fruits and veggies, and also add some lowfat wheat thins, or some Kashi GOLEAN cereal, some Glenny's SOY CRISPS, or some carbs that will do my body good. It makes a difference and will help your body metabolize better and fuel your energy, thus making workouts more efficient. Keep up the great work!
   — Vicki K.

March 22, 2002
Original poster here, Carbs throughout the day, or before or after the workout? I know I need the protein immediately after the work out, so just dispense the carbs through the day? Thx again, Donna in AL
   — Donna S. C.

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